Auditions in Miami for “Pretty Little Cindy”

By | June 26, 2011

Pretty Little Cindy
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Miami
A man suffers from a dissociative identity disorder that is turning on itself while coping with a sad excuse for a relationship with his aging father. His only friend struggles to help him make amends and patch up his life before leaving for good.

Cindy Suarez- (Female, 20-30 yrs. old) Cindy grew up with only her father, easily making her “daddy’s little girl”. She likes to have a good time and doesn’t feel the need to beat around the bush, so when she wants something she gets it. Cindy sees herself as a liberated woman that doesn’t need to take shit from anyone.
Chris Redding- (Male, 22-32 yrs. Old) Chris is very reserved and the few times he speaks out it’s to say something cynical or pessimistic. He has no job, no girlfriend, and a nearly non-existent relationship with his father- his only living relative. He sees himself as a failure and has no hopes that go past the end of the night. Chris’ one joy is living vicariously through his lifelong best friend, Eric.
Eric Bernard- (Male, 22-32 yrs. Old) Eric is not only Chris’ best friend, but an out-of-work psychotherapist. Eric has been by Chris’ side his whole life, thriving off of helping Chris in his most difficult times (more so now that he’s unemployed). He is usually the only person who can tolerate being around Chris. Ironically, Eric is definitely the only person that Chris enjoys being around.
Mr. Redding- (Male, 50+) Mr. Redding is Chris’ father. He is a widowed, alcoholic who wastes away in front of a TV, always alone. He abused Chris as a child, behavior that appeared soon after his wife died (Chris’ mother). Mr. Redding is a blatantly racist and bitter man, despite the fact that his deceased wife was Cuban.

Casting Location: Miami
Contact email:

One thought on “Auditions in Miami for “Pretty Little Cindy”

  1. ana maria

    when is the casting date? do you need extra’s “I can play the ghost of christ’s mother back to haunt the old man” mr. Redding’s part is just like my dad was! and yes I am cuban & can play my mother well 🙂 ph#[removed]


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