Boston – See How They Run – Theater

By | August 22, 2011

See How They Run by Philip King
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Boston, MA
I am directing Philip King’s “See How They Run”. We had auditions on Thursday and Saturday but we have certain characters that have not been placed yet still and others that we would like to see more variety of actors to audition for. We will be extending auditions to THIS MONDAY (22nd of August) at The Cannon Theatre (410 Great Road, right by 495). Littleton is right next to Acton and the Cannon Theatre isn’t far from Theatre III in Acton.

If the distance may be a problem, please feel free to still audition because once the show is cast, I will start a car pool so that everyone is able to get there. The breakdown of characters are below. If you fit one or more of the characters or know someone who would, I would love to hear from you and receive a response on who is able to attend.

Penelope Toop—-The madcap wife of Rev. Lionel, a former actress—-late 20’s-early 30’s, an American.

Lt/Corp. Clive Winton—-Old friend of Penelope, a former actor—–late 20’s to 30’s, an American.

The Bishop Of Lax—–Bishop and uncle of Penelope. A stern man and a tad bit of a perfectionist. —–late 50’s to 70’s, British accent.

Rev. Arthur Humphrey—-Visiting clergyman who will be running the sermon for the following day.—-30’s to 60’s, British accent.

Sergeant Towers—–A police constable,——Early 40’s to early 60’s. Must have a strong, controlling presence. British accent.

Audition Day Info:
Monday (22nd of August)
7: 30 pm to 10 pm (Actors won’t be needed for entire time)
The Cannon Theatre
410 Great Road
Littleton, MA

Please contact me at:
We will accept anyone from anywhere in MA or even New Hampshire!
I am also willing to set up a Thursday Audition at the latest if Monday is not an option for your schedule.

More information at:

Casting Location: Boston, MA
Contact email:

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