Casting Call – Every Moment Counts for MSN

By | March 23, 2011

Every Moment Counts is an immersive web series that will run on MSN. Every Moment Counts celebrates the inspiring stories of people who cared enough to act quickly in the time of need. Each episode will tell the true story of comfort and care by reuniting a grateful survivor with the rapid responder who saved their life.

Casting directors are seeking survivors that would like to thank the friend or neighbor who saved their life. If a friend gave you the Heimlich while you were choking, CPR, or helped you out of a fire, casting wants to hear your feel-good survival story.

Every Moment Counts is casting both heros and survivors

Click here for the Hero Application

Are you a Hero? Webster defines a “hero” as a person distinguished by exceptional courage, nobility, and strength. Has an opportunity ever arisen where you have unselfishly saves someone’s life? Have you had to perform CPR, assist in a fiery crash, helped out in a natural disaster, or preformed the Heimlich maneuver. We’re looking the everyday hero, if this is you please apply below

Did you survive?

Click here for the Survivor Appication

Have you every found yourself in a life or death situation, and been saved by the kindness of a Good Samaritan? Would you like to thank them for their selfless act, while teaching others how the can become an everyday hero?

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