Casting Call for Home Makeover show

By | March 21, 2011

casting notice posted by the Production Assistants
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Minneapolis MN

If you’re looking to preserve the glory of your old home and have an affinity for traditional styles, WE WANT YOU!
We are producing a series and are looking for old historic homes in dire need of some restoration. Our expert honors the past and strives to make contemporary necessities flow with the historic design of the home.

Benefits of Participating:
~ Experienced Designer for your project
~ Receive $5,000 towards your project
~ Companies often provide goods for your project in exchange for being featured on the television show.

Requirements of Participating:
~ Your home must be located within 25 miles of downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul
~ Minimum budget from you: approximately $5,000, depending on the scope of the project.

Please include:
~ The project that you want restored (can be one room or an entire home)
~ A brief description of what you like/dislike about your space
~ 3-4 wide photos of the space featuring different angles
~ A current photo of yourself and anyone that lives with you
~ Phone number, email address and address of residence

Please e-mail information to:

Casting Location: Minneapolis MN
Contact email:

One thought on “Casting Call for Home Makeover show

  1. Arlene Dewan

    I want to nominate the kathleen roberts family for a home makeover. The home is in nned of a makeover as the foundation is crumbling & the basement is wet & mold is forming. windows need replacing & plumbing & electricity is in bad condition. Kathleen is a wonderful person who would do anything for you. She does not have the means to fix the house as she is on disability. She took in her son’s family when he was out of work & now her granddaughter, Colbie is terminally ill. Kathleen does volunteer work with the Church & other organizations. She has been a wonderful help to me as I am alone. Please consider this family for your makeover.


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