Casting Call Student Film

By | September 3, 2011

Spider In the Bathtub Drain
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Atlanta, GA ‘local only’
Georgia State University Graduate Thesis Film – Drama.
Synopsis: A nurse uses food to escape her feelings, but must confront a defiant patient to overcome the reasons behind her obesity and discover true love.

Casting Needs:
NATALIE – Female, white, 40-45, overweight, pale skin.
– nurse who socially isolates herself and uses food to mask her painful feelings.

CARL – Male, white, 70-75, thin frame.
– combative old man with lung disease who just wants out of the hospital.

ROBERT – Male, white or black, 42-47, kind eyes, spare tire.
– security guard with a true affection for the overweight nurse, whom he pursues with respect and lighthearted humor.

MISS DELANEY – Female, any race, 70-75, smiling face, frazzled hair.
– old woman patient with a childlike spirit, whose mind seems to be going but who is acutely more aware than anyone realizes.

CHARGE NURSE – Female, any race, 50-55, sinewy, alert.
– head nurse who will not tolerate poor performance from her staff that might negatively affect the quality of patient care.

YOUNG NURSE – Female, white, 24-27, thin, attractive.
– by the book young nurse who has no problem reporting co-worker’s infractions.

FATHER – Male, white, 35-40, athletic build, good posture.
– father who confuses boundaries and acts inappropriately with his daughter.

MOTHER – Female, white, 30-35, slender, attractive.
– self-involved mother, too busy to notice the signs of her daughter’s abuse.

YOUNG GIRL – Female Child, white, 10-15, chubby, pale skin.
– young girl who longs to escape the abuse she suffers at the hand of her father.

Shooting Dates:
[October 21 – October 30] [Specific dates TBA]
Send photo/resume ASAP [Auditions held mid-September in downtown Atlanta]

Casting Contact:
[Jeffrey Morrow]
[PO Box 5462 Atlanta, GA 31107]

Casting Location: Atlanta, GA ‘local only’
Contact email:

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