Casting Film MA

By | January 12, 2011

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Boston, MA
Casting Asian Actors for “Short” | Boston Audition

Audition dates: January & early February TBD

Filming dates: TBD

Location: Varies

Project Title: “Short”

Directed by: Yvonne Vargas-Santos

Project Details: Independent Short Film for Film Festival entry

Project Payment: Unpaid – non union/students prefer – Credit received

Executive Producers: Yvonne Vargas-Santos and Yvonne Ng

Story Synopsis: Young woman accidentally discovers that she is a mistress to a bigamist.

“Kali Goon”
Kali (female) is enamored with Stanley, the one man who makes her feel cherished and loved. She fantasizes about Stanley often and loves being with him. She is the unbeknownst mistress. Mid 20s to early 40s Asian woman. Must be at least 5’8” or taller. Must be willing to wear 2”+ heels.

“Stanley Lin”
Stanley (male) is a confident accountant. He is a hard worker who can afford a luxurious life. He enjoys being able to take care of his women. He is also a secret bigamist. Late 20s to early 40s Asian American man. Must be no taller than 5’6”. (willing to be topless for a scene)

“Wife #1”
Wife #1 (female) is a beautiful, self assured, and feisty woman. She is a manager at a public relations company. She is an innocent victim of Stanley. Late 20s to early 40s Asian American woman. Must be at least 5’7” or taller. Willing to wear 2”+ heels.

“Wife #2”
Wife #1 (female) is a beautiful, self assured, and feisty woman. She is a fashion designer who travels often. Late 20s to early 40s Asian American woman. Must be at least 5’7” or taller. Willing to wear 2”+ heels.

Please send a digital photo and a short resume of most recent projects to
Deadline for photo/resume entry: January 22, 2010

Casting Location: TBD-Boston, Massachusetts
For more info contact email:
Production Dates: February 19-20 & March 19 & 20, 2011, Boston, MA

Casting Location: Boston, MA
Contact email: