Casting Fitness Trainers | Miami

By | September 7, 2011

Excercise DVD
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Miami
We are going into production on an Exercise DVD Series this month and are casting for the lead talent to work a team of fitness pros through the fitness program. The exercises are circuit training based and intense; think P90x. We are calling for headshots and resumes from fitness trainers with on-camera experience in the age range between 20s-30s, both Male and Female. We are not looking for bodybuilders, but rather very fit pros with an attainable body that will appeal to the average Joe and Jane.

If you are interested, please send your digital headshot and resume to The casting call will close within the week, so please do not delay if you want to be a part of a great production, with an experienced production team.

Casting Location: Miami
Contact email:

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