Casting for short film by Ideami Studios in San Francisco

By | June 9, 2011

Casting for short film by Ideami Studios in San Francisco
Casting notice posted on, casting location: San Francisco
Award Winning Fimmaker Javier Ideami will direct a new short film
in San Francisco in a few weeks.
We are looking for

* An actress, age 21 to 35, towards thin (but not very),
Character goes through a wide range of emotion, from cold, detached, stern , strict, very focused, through doubting herself to soft and lively at the end

* The old man, age very flexible anywhere from 45 or 50 up, just has to look wise and old enough to have a clear contrast in age with the girl and the other male character; Has to have the feeling of a grandfather giving that key piece of advice and wisdom.

If interested contact

thank you

Ideami Studios

Casting Location: San Francisco
Contact email:

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