Casting Short Film Berkeley, CA

By | July 8, 2011

Casting Call Info:
Casting Call for Short Film


Langour is a Dark Comedy about a witty and apathetic young man who is
so sleep deprived he’s started dreaming while he’s awake. When his
dreams start mixing with reality he doesn’t know what to believe.

Directed by William Sweezer,, 925-639-3582

Antoine 19-22, Male
Suffering from severe exhaustion, Antoine can be pathetic and is a borderline sociopath. Though calm in his demeanor he can be quite aggressive. He uses sarcasm as a language. His smart mouth and funny ways cover up how much he hates his life.

Patrick, 21-26, Male
He is extremely charming and could talk his way out of anything and he can definitely play the game of wits with Antoine. Patrick is a junkie, but it doesn’t define who he is. He plays hard, but his biggest fear is being alone.

Auditions July 7th at 5:00pm
Please Reply with Headshot and Resume
Please Contact for Earlier Audition and Address
Must Contact Ahead to be put on Security List
Shooting Date July 16th

Location: Zaentz Media Center, Berkeley, CA

Please email:

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