Casting Short Film in Philadelphia

By | April 12, 2011

A disillusioned Customer Service rep. falls for the local coffee barista. When he loses his job helping an overly needy customer, Karma intercedes and gives him a shot at romance.

DEAN – 22-25, Lead. Actually helpful customer service rep for an upstart phone company. Tech-cool, cute, smart, too shy and patient for his own good. Dreams of escaping to Hawaii. But first he’d like to connect with the barista from the local coffee shop. Do nice guys have to finish last?

ALEXA – 22-25 Lead. Possibly the hottest bean-slinger on the planet. She handles the espresso and steam machines like an orchestra conductor, Quick, funny, upbeat. Always gets the last word, and has no idea how hot she is.

GLORIA, 60s, Lead. Spunky and cool, the original earth mother. Put the “New” in New Age. A talented artist who’s more about creativity than technology. Determined to master her new phone so that she can keep pace with the apple of her eye-her grand daughter Alexandra

JERRY KLINZER 60’s+ Supporting Role. Looks like a surfer, right down to the pukka necklace. A wild child who loves life. Super current and never thinks twice about his age. Must do Indian and French accents.

DEAN’S SUPERVISOR 30+ By-the-book company man who takes his job way too seriously.

Other players-

AN out-sourced MR. MBA, 40s, in a suit, has walls covered with WSJ articles and stock graphs.

GAMER-PRO wears a comic-book t-shirt and has the world’s best collection of action figures.

SOCCER-MOM wears threadbare sweats and stares emptily at pictures of her kids and her billion beanie babies.

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