Casting teens and their parents

PARENTS: Do You Think Your Teen Is Too Young To Date….Travel Abroad…Get A Piercing?
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide
Hey Parents!

Do you feel like your teenager is too young to date? Does your teen want to get a piercing, dye their hair, or even get plastic surgery? Is your teen rebellious because you won’t let them go out for spring break? Attend a party?

With cell phones, the internet and all the information available to kids today, do you think your kids have it too easy? Do they know how different things were when you were young?

Are you ready to show your kids what it was really like when you were their age?

A major cable network, award-winning Zig Zag Productions, and MysticArt Pictures are teaming up for a new, light-hearted un-scripted series about teenagers, their parents and how kids expect the rules to be different in the 21st Century.

We’re looking for families with BIG personalities, with teens between 13 – 18 years old.
All ethnicities and all walks of life are encouraged to apply!
Casting nationwide – with an emphasis on Southern California and the New York tri-state area

If you and your dynamic, fun, and interesting family want to apply, go to and click on “TEENS: NOW AND THEN” to apply.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact MysticArt Pictures at 818.563.4131.

Casting Location: Nationwide
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