Cheerleader / dance teem tryouts Vegas

By | July 8, 2011

Spartans Football Dance Team Tryouts!

Sunday, July 10th, 2011
Noon – 2:00pm
Arroyo Grande Sports Complex inside the basketball courts – 298 Arroyo Grande Blvd.?(with entrances at American Pacific Drive and Santiago Drive)

Please Contact the Spartans Dance Team Captain, Azalee Maslow, at or go to and type in “Spartans Dance Team Tryouts” for more information!
Purpose :
As a member of the Spartans Dance Team your job will be to bring excitement and buzz around the Spartans Football team both during and outside of the actual football games. You will present yourself in a professional manner and remember that as a Spartans Dancer you are a representation of the Spartans Football Team. You will also help create a community feeling amongst the players, dancers, and fans. This will be an exciting and rewarding experience for all members and of course a lot of fun!

Requirements :
-Must have dance experience.
-Must be at least 18 years of age.
-If you are selected you will be required to make at least one dance and one sideline that may or may not be used during the games. We want all dancers to be extremely involved in the team.
-Tricks of any type (pirouettes, fouettes, back handspring tuck, round off back tuck, stunting experience, etc.) will give you a better chance of making the team but are NOT required.
-If you are selected you will be required to attend two practices per week, all football games (in full dance apparel and make-up), attend several promotional and fundraising events, and several photo shoots. You will also be responsible for getting yourself to all games, practices, and appearances so you must have a reliable source of transportation.
-We are a dance team but we will do some cheerleading tricks.
-All dancers will act professional at all times. This means no violence, alcohol, narcotics, or drugs at any Spartans Football event, or you will be removed from the Spartans Dance Team immediately.
-If you are chosen to join the Spartans Dance Team, the application you will turn in at try-outs below will lock you in to being on the Spartans Dance Team. So please do not try out if you are not serious about joining the Spartans Dance Team. Signing the application will count as your injury waiver and your contract for the Spartans Dance Team.
-This is a non-paid dance team but you will acquire a lot of experience and exposure.

Try-outs :
-Please bring the form (below) to the try-outs completely filled out and some form of ID showing that you are at least 18 years of age.
-You must be in full dance apparel and make-up: dance pants or shorts, half tops are preferred (your uniform will most likely be a half top), full make-up, tennis shoes, and your hair must be worn down.
-During try-outs you will learn one short dance and one sideline. You will also have an opportunity to show us a dance you know and/or any tricks you know.
-If you can not make try-outs you may send in the application and a video of you doing a dance, a sideline, and any tricks you know to the Spartans Dance Team Captain, Azalee Maslow, at But an in person try-out is preferred and the videos are due the same day of the actual try-outs, Sunday, July 10, 2011.
-Everyone who tries out will be contacted with in a week of try-outs and told whether or not they have made the team. If you make the team further information on practices and upcoming events will be given to you at that time.

If you have any questions or concerns about the try-outs or about the Spartans Dance Team please contact our Dance Captain, Azalee Maslow, at


Name :

Date of Birth :

Age :

Phone :

E-mail Address :

Height :

Weight :

Male/Female :

Please briefly tell us why you want to join the Spartans Dance Team :

Please list previous experience as a dancer :

Please list all dance styles you are familiar with and any cheer or dance tricks you know:

I hereby certify that I am in good health and may participate in all try-out activities and dance activities if I make the Spartans Dance Team. I will not hold Spartans Football or Spartans Dance Team Responsible for any injuries or accidents that come about from trying out or from being on the Spartans Dance Team. I also give permission for myself to be taken to a local hospital or be given emergency treatment if necessary. I have read the above Spartans Dance Team requirements and agree to them all by signing this form.

Printed Name : Signature : Date :

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