Cheerleader Tryouts – Oakland Raiders Raiderettes

By | March 1, 2011

The Oakland Raiders have announced cheerleader tryouts for the 2011 Football season.

The 2011 NFL cheerleader tryout season has begun – Come audition for a professional cheerleading squad and join the Oakland Raider’s Raiderettes.

Auditions for the raiderettes are done in stages with a non- dance preliminary that all candidates must attend before the actual dance tryout. During the preliminary audition, judges will pick ladies to attend the next step which is the dance portion.

Being a Raiderette has its benefits:

  • You get to perform at home games in front of thousands.
  • Great exposure at events and functions
  • Opportunities to travel and earn income through promotions

Audition Information
Sunday, April 10, 2011
at the Oakland Airport Hilton Hotel, Hegenberger Road, Oakland
Check-in will begin at 8:00 AM with the preliminary interviews immediately following.

There is no dance audition at the preliminaries. Finalists will be announced at the end of preliminaries.
Attire for preliminaries is daytime dresses, skirts or shorts, with appropriate hairstyle and make-up.

Those ladies that make it through the preliminary auditions will be asked to attend the dance audition.
Rehearsals for the dance routine will be Tuesday, April 12 and Thursday, April 14 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.

You must be 18 years of age or older by date of preliminary audition.
Be available to attend all home games, rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 9:30 PM (beginning in late April), rehearsals Saturday mornings from 7:30 – 10:30 AM and special public relations, charity and performance events.
You must be able to attend a full day Saturday mini-camp on May 7th.

Various styles of dance are used by the Raiderettes. Dance techniques, such as turns, kicks and leaps can be used in routines.
A dance workshop class is offered by the Raiderette Choreographers prior to tryouts.

Download the application here