Country Music Singer Auditions – Country Music Super Group

By | November 19, 2011

Now forming a new country music singing group – auditions for talented singers 16 to 25 nationwide.

Attn: all country singers

Country Music Talent Search! Seeking all types of performers whose style fits within the country-pop spectrum.

Rodeo Entertainment announces the official nationwide search for the most talented singers in the nation who are at least the age of 16 and appear younger than 25 to join a new country music supergroup that will go on a nationwide tour, work with the best songwriters and producers in the industry, and release an album on a major label.
If you have the voice, the moves, the look, and the personality that make you stand out, then we’re looking for you!

Open call is scheduled for Dec 3 2011 in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
International Dance Academy, Hollywood
6755 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 200
Hollywood, CA 90028

Those who make the cut will be invited to attend Mandatory Call Backs the following day for their individual auditions. Make sure you are available the day AFTER the Open Call in case you are selected!

3 thoughts on “Country Music Singer Auditions – Country Music Super Group

  1. A Secret

    Do we dress to our part as we would for a show, and which days exactly would we sing? Do we need a press package? Photos? Let me know what the judges want asap. Thanks

  2. Sarah-Kathryn Mundy

    Hi, I am so interested in this, it looks like the perfect thing for me. The only problem is that I am only 13. So I was wondering if there could be some exception because this looks so perfect for me. Well, thanks anyway.


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