By | June 1, 2011

posted by the Associate Producer
Casting notice posted on, casting location: To be scheduled
DOCUMENTARY CASTING – Adultery stories / Multicultural views on adultery

New documentary exploring different multicultural views on adultery is seeking to interview subjects with interesting stories and perspectives on this complex topic. Please be assured, this is strictly exploratory and not a platform for judgment. Rather, is an examination of the global population’s views of sexuality and commitment – how it is condemned in some countries, while accepted or even condoned in others.

Currently seeking personal stories from people who have committed or participated in adultery (such as being involved with a married/committed person), as well as people from the following countries/continents willing to speak openly about their country’s views on the subject:
– South America
– Japan
– China
– Africa (other than South Africa)
– Europeans

Interviews take approximately 1 1/2 hours and will be conducted in your home or similar personal setting.

If interested, please email with “adultery” in the subject line and include the following information:
– A short bio – age, gender, where you’re from, what you do, if you’re married and with/without children, etc.
– A short statement on your homeland’s thoughts or laws on adultery
– A brief account of your person story if applicable

Casting Location: To be scheduled
Contact email:

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