Girl Group

By | January 16, 2011

New Teen Group
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Dallas
Im interested in creating a teen singing group! The age group would be from 14-18 and is DEFINITELY coed, because every group needs tenors and bases. We would not only perform at gigs around the DFW area, but we could also have our own youtube page. Youtube would be a wonderful way to get our voices exposed and we could record group, duet, and solo songs and put them up for more exposure. This would not only be a great opportunity to sing with a group of people, but it could turn into possible solo opportunities. Of course, we would book performances that could possibly lead to paying jobs! Needing to dance or at least have rhythm is extremely necessary, since we’ll definitely have some choreography.

I havent included a specific genre because I think it would be amazing to have people representing every genre in the group. When we do solos, we could definitely bring out our own specific styles and when we sing as a group we could mix it all together. No matter if you’re a country singer, pop singer, even a rapper, if you prefer rock music, soul, indie, and everything between! There’s room for you here!

If you ever seen youtube sensations like Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie and said “I could so do that”. Or seen shows like Glee and wished you could be on them, then this is definitely the group for you! Just shoot me an email and we’ll go from there! Thanks! 🙂

Casting Location: Dallas
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