Los Angeles Auditions for Film

By | February 17, 2011

Infatuation & Fornication
Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: 6767 West Sunset Blvd # 6 Los Angeles, CA 90028
A collage of trial and error between the sheets set in the tone of a 1950’s exploitation film opens the doorway to self discovery, adventure, comedy, tragedy and a night of stimulating arousal.

A titillating peek into the minds and actions of various individuals all sharing one common theme; they struggle through a great confusion brought upon by the exposure to unbridled sexual frenzy. The road to love is a winding path with many dead ends for anyone to lose their way on. However, with every wrong turn we make, we arm ourselves with more necessary tools of attraction and intuition to cut our way across the inhospitable thicket of unrelenting loneliness. Come rest your weary feat and see the age old sport of attraction and intercourse between a diverse collage of players (ranging from the mundane to the insane) so that you may safely witness the cosmic tango of our labors of love.

19 year old College Freshman. She is disillusioned by romance and hides how ugly she feels, although she is actually quite attractive. She has a certain bitterness about her, because her polyamorous boyfriend sleeps with her once a week and keeps her in the loop about other girls he is intimate with.

A mature Valley Girl in her mid to late 20’s. She is bubbly and fun and has had a great deal of boyfriends in the past. Though she has graduated college (with average grades) and has a job as a receptionist in a business office, she still thinks like a very young girl. However, her biological clock has begun to tick and she wants a mature man, but cannot for the love of her figure out how to get one.

A confused young man in his late teens, early 20’s. His mother killed herself when he was very young and he has never had a very strong or prominent female (except for his cartoonish and loving grandmother). Wallace can not stop stumbling over himself as he tries to figure out what it takes to attract women.

A promiscuous New Yorker, 20-30. She frequents the streets in search of sex with strangers. She is an authentically nice person, who understands those who feel inadequate about themselves.

20’s – 30’s a young male swimmer who recounts the affair he had with an older woman to lose his virginity. He is a shy boy with good morals and a friendly attitude. Despite his cool composure, he is incredibly we behind the ears in the bedroom.

Johnny’s Dad
20’s – 40’s married man with a kid. He is a simple man who loves his family, but still gives in to occasionally checking out a woman who gives him “the eye”.
Something In The Basement by Don Nigro

A cold hearted woman in her early 30’s who is disgusted by her incredibly whipped husband. She once harbored a great attraction for him, having done all she could to seduce him and play emotional games with him, but his predictability became incredibly boring to her. She went off the deep end in her cruelty the moment she realized that she was no longer able to make children.

A mad scientist who strives to create the perfect world with perfect people. His tact is blunt and frank, having very few social graces and a borderline insane view on a bigger picture. He fancies himself a reclusive artist and reluctantly accepts that no one will ever understand him.

A shy reclusive girl in her late teens. Her face was bitten off by a dog as a little girl and now has horrible scars on her face (hence the cruel nick name). She feels ugly and unwanted and accepts her ugliness as part of her character. She feels doomed to be permanently scarred, both inside and outside, for whenever something brings her happiness she is dumped on by others or something inevitably goes wrong.

A jealous business woman with a strong sense of morals. She has an incredibly professional demeanor and focuses her efforts to achieving her goals by the book. She looks down upon those who take the easy route and openly feels cheated for not compromising her dignity to get to the top.

Big A
Late 30’s to 40’s businessman with an expensive suit. He is an aggressively animated individual, who spends the scene drinking to forget catching his wife with another man. He’s got it all, money, a wife, kids, and a big house. But seeing his wife with another man ruins his self esteem and brings him back down to a common everyday shlomo.

Topless dancer, 20’s – 30’s. She is a fast talking, snappy individual who uses humor and charm to protect herself in a tight spot. She fancies herself an educator in the sack, for men to learn how to pleasure women from her.

30’s – 40’s artist with a powerful urge to fill herself with as many sensual pleasures as possible to hide from the fear of aging. She is still attractive but senses age like an oncoming train, so she lives life as if it were to end within hours.

A writer for a lovelorn column, who finds her job and her life painfully dissatisfying. She constantly second guesses her advice, for she cannot find happiness herself. She feels inadequate and highly unnecessary in the scheme of things.

A quirky middle aged ex-hippy who is fascinated by very simple things. She marvels at electronics (in this case, sex toys) and picks apart the charming elements of the devices (and herself).

A middle aged woman very set in her ways. She lives in a small house with her 2 sons, her father and her ex husband. Kate is a strong woman, who for a long time knew of the affair her husband has had on her with another woman. Confused as to what to do, she until recently has been ignoring the obvious warning signs. She finally feels empowered enough to put him in his place.

20’s to 30’s New Yorker. He is a sexually frustrated man, good looking yet incredibly nerdy and a hard on for his mother in law. He projects an image of perfection onto her, as if she was the sexier and older version of his wife more willing to do what he wanted her to do in bed.

A teenage partier who loves to dance and drink. She is also a very wise girl, who looks beyond the physical and finds beauty from within. She is attracted to a fellow classmate with cerebral palsy and ends up seducing him. She feels that she would have missed out on one of the greatest moments of her life if she missed up on this opportunity.

20s-50s a girl reflecting on her teenage years in the 60’s. She regrets her ignorant sexual encounters, which were practically rape and her ignorant points of views on safe sex. She is thankful to be safe now, but wishes the money of the abortion could have gone to something teenagers could have wanted or used much more.

Teenager. Friendly and kind to those who are picked on, as she herself gets picked on quite a bit. She is modest and has an attraction to her best friend, Evelyn.

Teenager. She is a quiet and enigmatic character. She loves her little brother, who is dieing of Leukemia. His only last wish was to not die a virgin and after much mental deliberation, agrees to let him sleep with her. She asks for no understanding or redemption, for she feels morally justified for her actions.

20’s – 30’s comfortable with himself and confident without being cocky. He is charming and attractive and cool headed. Even when girls don’t flaunt themselves all over him, he is comfortable thinking on his feet to woe them.

Perfect opportunity for anybody interested in working with ensemble and strong character pieces. Contact Matt Rosvally if you wish to audition. Good Luck!

Casting Location: 6767 West Sunset Blvd # 6 Los Angeles, CA 90028
Contact email: mattrosvally@gmail.com