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MTV Casting Call “16 and Pregnant”

By | April 11, 2011

This documentary series covers the journeys of young women during their unplanned pregnancy. We realize that this is a very sensitive subject for many, so our goal is to show what teen-aged pregnant women, from varying backgrounds, experience in their lives and relationships as a result of their unplanned pregnancies.

From morning sickness to dealing with parents and boyfriends, as well as making challenging decisions and ultimately to the day of the baby’s arrival and beyond, we would like you to let us document this exciting, life changing and complicated journey. This show seeks to allow young women to share their personal story in their own voice and how others could potentially learn from their mistakes and decisions.

As time is of the essence, please email us as soon as possible. Include the city and state you live in, your contact details, a picture and why you would want to take part in 16 and Pregnant.


5 thoughts on “MTV Casting Call “16 and Pregnant”

  1. Savannah

    My name’s Savannah and I’m 17 years old. I’m about a month pregnant and just recently found out. Just sitting here knowing there is something growing in my stomach is pretty damn scary. How do I tell my family, will I be a good mom, how will people look at me, these are all the questions that won’t stop running circles around in my head. I’m a normal teenager in some ways, I do smoke weed and cigarettes, drink when I want and, this I can no longer do. I want to be on 16 and pregnant because I want to show teen girls that no matter who stands by you, or what you were doing before you got pregnant, i made the adult decision to have unprotected therefore I need to be an adult and grow up for this baby I’m carrying. It’s going to be tough, I’ve been jumped by the fathers girlfriend and will most likely be raising this baby on my own. I want to show girls that we don’t need men to show our children a beautiful life and at 17 or 40 I’ll be an amazing mom.

  2. Chelsea kitchen

    My name is Chelsea kitchen I live in sissonville West Virginia. I’m 16 years old and 2 months and 1 week pregnant. My boyfriend which is the baby’s father is 19 years old he dropped out of school a couple years ago. I’m a sophomore in high school. We struggle alot but we always find away to try to make it work. I just wanna show teens it’s not easy being 16 and pregnant. My boyfriend is living with me and my family we are trying to find a place close to my parents house to raise the baby. I just hope everything works out the way it’s suppose to be!

  3. Casie Landmark

    hello im casie im 17 and im 6 months prego i dont have a job and my family is a little… well crazy i have a boyfriend named sean hes 19 we both dropped out of high school quite sometime ago.. everyone of my family members expected i would get pregnant just because im the rebel of the family.. i would like to be on 16 and prenant to show everyone including my family that whether i am a rebel or not i will be the best mom i can be just to prove them wrong and to show other teens my age and younger how hard it is to be a teen mom or even being pregnant like how parties stop and some friends leave or just the stress of everything combined coming at you at one time.. and hope that after the watch my episode how hard reality hits..

  4. mattie mosley

    Well I’m Mattie and I’m seventeen and yesterday April 12 I found out I was pregnant…. I have a job and a great family but..my mom is also pregnant at the same time but she is due in July. My boyfriend named Tyler is 18 and we both go to dorman high school in Spartanburg SC. I’m the type of girl that no one would expect to be pregnant at 17 because my parents are so hard on me and my actions, there a firm believer that I should have a abortion and I’m against that all the way and so is my boyfriend. I always told myself there is no way a girl like me could ever get pregnant and the reason I would like to be on MTV’s 16 and pregnant is because this can happen to anyone with any kind of parents you have. I want people to know my story that way no one will make the decisions I have made. I’m sorry there isn’t a picture I did this over my phone so if you can send me an email ill be sure to send one. Thank you for time.

    Mattie Mosley
    864 804 8556

  5. Cody

    I was at the open casting call for the real world in Mpls and made it to the second round. was suppose to have an interview the following day but couldnt because of work. I was told they would just do a skype interview with me something like 3 weeks later. Still havent heard from them and was wondering if im just shit out of luck or if there was anything I could do to still get that interview?


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