MTV casting call for teens

By | May 31, 2011

MTV Seeks Teens from Divorced Families for Docu-series

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide
CASTING NOTICE Major Cable Network is looking for fun, gregarious up beat families with BIG & over the top personalities that would be willing to share their story on a new docu-series. Are your parents separated, going through a divorce or recently re-married?!?! This new series will explore this topic, profiling teenagers (who appear to be between 15 and 19 years old), who are coping with the current stage of their parents’ divorce. We are looking for diverse situations and multiple siblings are a plus! Especially seeking blended families; either parent have re-married and have merged their families. Kids must be bouncing back and forth in BOTH households. Email us at ASAP: Your full name City you live in Contact information and best time to reach you When are you at your Mom’s house? Dad’s house? Who lives at your primary residence? (Which parent? siblings? step siblings? parent’s significant other?) A brief explanation of your family’s situation And family pictures and photos of yourself that showcase everyone’s fun personality!

Pays $1500 to Teen and $500 for each parent.

Casting Location: Nationwide
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