MTV casting families for “Wednesdays and weekends”

Nationwide MTV tryouts

“Wednesdays & Weekends” – Is your family going through a divorce?

Are your parents separated, going through a divorce or recently re-married?!?!

MTV is looking for a fun, up beat family with BIG personalities that would be willing to share their story on a new docu-series, “Wednesdays & Weekends”!

This new series will explore this topic, profiling teenagers who are coping with the current stage of their parents’ divorce. We are looking for diverse situations and multiple siblings are a plus! Especially seeking blended families; either parent have re-married and have merged their families. Kids must be bouncing back and forth in BOTH households.

Examples of FUN and CRAZY stories:
Teens playing match makers to their folks
Teens hang out with their parents to find them a potential date
Parents are outgoing and ready to mingle

Email us at ASAP: (last 2 weeks of casting)
Your full name
City you live in
Contact information and best time to reach you
When are you with your mom; your dad
Who else lives at your primary residence (siblings? step siblings? parent’s significant other?)
A brief explanation of your family’s situation
And family pictures and photos of yourself that showcase everyone’s fun personality!

Deadline for this casting is May 14th 2011

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