MTV casting High School Students

By | December 14, 2011

MTV auditions for teens

Now casting teens in high school who had a falling out with another high school teen or classmate.

MTV is casting for a new teen docu-series that helps high school students solve problems with their friends and schoolmates. The new MTV show will use a trained mediator to talk to the teens and try to get them to resolve their issues with each other.

MTV is now casting teens that are 16 to 19 years old for this show.

If you are in an ongoing dispute with a friend, ex-friend, or classmate, MTV would like to hear your story and maybe you and your story will be featured on the new MTV show.

Here are examples of the types of stories that MTV and the shows producers are looking for:

  • Do you have a friend that always borrows money and never pays you back?
  • Did someone start a rumor about you that has had lasting effects?
  • Did a fellow student bring uninvited guests to your party then they trashed your home or disrespected you?
  • Did an ex vandalize your property, like keying your car?
  • Have you been defamed on-line by someone in your school and your reputation will never be the same?

Are you looking for a resolution between you and your friend? MTV may be able to help!

To be considered for the show, you MUST be in high school, have a great personality and have a genuine, real-life issue at-hand that could benefit from mediation and that other people could learn from. You should also appear to be between the ages of 16 and 19 years old.

To apply for the show you will need to email the following information as well as a photograph of both you and the person you are having a problem with.

*Your Name, Phone Number and Email Address

*Your School/Location/City/State

*Every story has two sides, right? What’s your story? What is the issue at hand? What happened?

*Please give DETAILS:
-where and when the incident took place (if it’s one particular event);
-who the other person involved is and what your relation is to that person;
-why this issue is a big deal to you;
-whether or not it’s a big deal to the other person and if you think they would be willing to participate in the mediation process;
-what you would hope to get out of the mediation experience, etc..

*Are there other people in your lives who have an opinion on the matter? Who? How are they involved? Would they be willing to share their perspective and participate in this project? Again, please give details.

*Why is it important for your story to be told? Why would you want to participate in this show?

Email all the above to Also, don’t forget to email the 2 photos(one of you and one of your foe). To improve your chances of getting selected by MTV producers, be as descriptive as possible about your situation, what happened and any other details that you think may be helpful.

5 thoughts on “MTV casting High School Students

  1. Nadar santos

    Hi my name is nadar Chaves dos Santos I’m 15 ,6″ feet tall 185 lbs I am in grade 10 and ever since I have started highschool I have been through many things good and bad and with my stories and experiences I think I can greatly contribute to the show

  2. Mia Nichole Johnson

    I’m Mia. I’m fifteen, and I have had problems with several different students.

    One problem that was significant to me is one I had with my former best friend.

    There was this guy I really liked and she knew I liked him. It’s not that she “stole” him or anything. But she and him both lied to me.
    See, before I started liking him, I hated him. All my friends knew. And at the Christmas dance almost two months ago, I started to like him. She was one of the first few people I told. I’m not exactly “popular” at school but I’m really well known, so this information about me liking the guy went around the whole school. She knew I liked him and we talked about him all the time. I always told her about how I wanted to tell him, and how I always wanted to be around him. So she knew good and perfectly well how much I liked him. It was pretty legit.

    One day, her and I were texting and talking about him like always..except this time, she told me that he texted her and told her that he liked her and didn’t like me but didn’t wanna hurt my feelings. So when me and him finally started to get along, I immediately stopped talking to him. I was actually pretty pissed off.

    So (of course she’s not my only best friend) I told one of my other best friends, Danielle, that I was mad at the guy i liked and why I was mad. She had been trying to get her permit/license and the guy i liked had just got his. So she texted him and asked him what she needed to bring to the Driver’s-thingy-place-watcha-ma-call it. And she had already told him I was mad at him. He told me he liked me, I’m pretty, he wanted to go out with me, blah blah blah. But he’s one to act hard in front of his friends so..
    he ended up calling Danielle and telling her “Man I don’t know why Nichole (my middle name) mad at me, cause Estefany (the girl i’m talking about) told me she wanted to get with me too. She told me I look good and she really wanna be with me. I don’t know why Nichole ain’t mad at her, man, she trippen.”

    So there goes the truth…

    This is what she told me about him. (not word for word): “he’s not my type. I would never go out with him. he likes me but i really don’t wanna hurt his feelings. He’s not really that attractive. I only like grown, outta school guys.”

    Alright Estef, so thanks for lying to me right to my face. You are the best friend anyone could ever have!

    So all that time, i was only mad at him, when i didn’t even know what she had been saying. So i texted her. I would have met up with her or something but we were on christmas break while this was going on. So i went off on her through text and she tried to call me childish. She kept trying to change the subject and at first she tried to lie about the whole situation until I told her about all the stuff I knew about them two. So then she finally started telling the truth. She tried to change the subject and say that I could get someone better. All this other stuff. This big problem happened in just 3-5 days.

    This is a major deal to me because she was my bestfriend, i loved her so much, but she hurt me. If she like the guy i liked she could have easily told me. She didn’t have to just let me get hurt. She probably doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Everytime she sees me she just looks away. But everytime I see her, I think about that problem. He ended up trying to play me anyway, so it’s already over but she told me he was a player and it was like i picked him over her. She could be mad over that, because looking back at the situation, i was mad at BOTH of them because they BOTH lied, but somehow i forgave him and not her. I wanna tell her she’s right, but we’re not talking, and we haven’t talked for a month. 🙁

    If I went up for mediation, what i would want to get out of it is how to treat my problems the right way. This would be good for others to see because people look at these kind of situations and never think about it. They think it doesn’t matter because it’s not them but it could be, and I know this is a bunch of high school drama but i believe this will help someone who has the same problem as me learn to point out the important things in a friendship and get over the roadblocks. it will teach other teens like me how to talkto your friend about your problem without ending your friendship completely, because I feel like that’s what Estefany and I did..

  3. Tanique Murray

    Boy oh boy, is this the show for me! I would definitely bring up the issue of racism/discrimination for teenagers! Those things you mention up there, yeap happens to me everyday. ESPECIALLY the one where they owe you money back. Like dude, you can afford snack off the school menu but you can’t afford the 5$ you owe me?! This show sounds like an amazing idea. I honestly think its a great idea because alot of people who watch, are in high school, or the older people that are watching have been through high school. Therefore they understand the debates on the show!

  4. Morgan G. Clayton

    Morgan Clayton
    2645 DeKalb Medical Parkway
    Lithonia, Georgia 30058

    -Okay , as you can currently see, my name is Morgan Gabrielle Clayton. I am currently a freshman that’s 15 and a half years old. I attend Miller Grove HIgh School that’s located in Lithonia, Georgia. That’s about 15 minutes away from the city of Atlanta.
    Im a very laid back person. very sociable , and loves to meet everyone. I can forgive anyone , even if they happens to do the most evil thing there is in the devil’s book! With that being said, I have a best friend that I have known for 3 years now. Her name is Alexandria Sims, and we cliqued the first time we had a serious conversation. We cheered together through middle school, shared secrets, talked about boys, and even partied together.
    It alll started with a boy named *William. *William was cute, nice chocolate boy. Pretty set of white teeth, earring on his right ear. He stooda bout 6’2 & had plenty of muscles. He was a new boy to our school. Every one wanted him, especially the girls. They were drooling over his pretty eyes and bright smile. They wanted his attention very bad, but not me. My mama told me to never chase after boys, let them chase after me. Deep down inside, I wanted him just as much as the other girls did, but I wasnt about to be all inside of his face. No. That wasnt for me, Morgan. He finally noticed me when track season started. He asked a couple of questions & then that was it. The first time we ever talked. A couple of days later, I told Alex about me and William’s convo. That same night, we all got on three- way and talked all night. Me and William told Alex our thoughts f officially getting together. But clumsy ol’ me, I thought we was just playing. All along, I would see Alex laugh at the many text messages that William would send to her, but I thought nothing of it.
    Weeks went by and me and William finnaly got together. He didnt mention how hehad given Alex a “promise ring” and Alex didnt mention to me how her and DeAndre planning on getting together someday also. It had became a huge mess, and me and Alex fell out during the summer of 2011. One day while on Fcebook, I read how “William is in a relationship with Alex”. I was absolutely shocked and didnt wanna deal with none of them. Me and her are now best friends again, but I constantly ask her “Do you ever think you were wrong for what you did to me?” and her answer is always “NO!”
    I know for a fact thatm story will help many girls that will tune into this show. This situation happens to girls & boys everyday. I hae experienced for myself because I am still in high school.
    I hope my story will help some people understand what it means to be a TRUE best friend & what LOYALTY really, and truly means!

  5. Mahogany McElroy

    Hi ,my name is Mahogany Mcelroy ,im 15 in a half, freshman in highschool,im 5″2 and i think i would be great for this role, its my passion, go through alot in life and it one of the reason why im homeschooled now.This would mean the world to me if i got this part.please contact me through my e-mail


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