MTV Tryouts 2012 – MTV Teen Mom

By | November 5, 2011

MTV is now casting ‘Teen Mom’

MTV’s hit series “Teen Mom” is getting ready to film a new after show, with a brand new cast of Teen Moms, and we are looking for real Teen Mom’s, past Teen Mom’s, anyone with close ties to a Teen Mom or any other story relatable to the show to join in on a discussion.

You will be a part of a discussion with the cast of “Teen Mom”. This is NOT an audience show. You will be asked your opinion on various topics of the show, your own experiences and how you handled it, advice you have for the Teen Mom’s on the show and a chance to ask the cast questions.

We are only looking for a small group, so this is a very exclusive casting. You MUST be outgoing, willing to talk on camera and share your experience and stories, and be familiar with the series “Teen Mom”.

We will be shooting this on Sat and Sunday, Nov 5 & 6 2011 in New York City. Please be available before submitting.

This is an awesome opportunity to have your voice heard and to share your experience for other girls in the country to hear.

If you are interested in this, and you fit what we are looking for, please do the following:
Email us at
and include the following:
AGE: (Must be at least 16 years old)

**Your Story should consist of a similar experience as the girls on the show. Are you or were you a teen mom? How are you coping? Is your best friend a teen mom and do you see her struggle? Did you give your child up for adoption or were you adopted?,etc**

Some examples we are looking for include having twins as a teen mom, issues with your Mother, parents that are out of the picture, or any other issue that you feel you have experience with that relates to the struggles of the young women on “Teen Mom”. Upon receiving your email, we will follow up with a Phone Interview and then let you know if you’ve been chosen.

One thought on “MTV Tryouts 2012 – MTV Teen Mom

  1. Aquiyla Ebo

    Hello my name is Aquiyla. I am 18 years old and have a 7 month old son, his name is Aquil. I live in Darby PA 19023. I live with my mom and 3 little sisters, my life is just hell here. They make me feel like a bad mother and with my son’s dad being locked up its hard for me. I just wanna prove to everybody that I can and will be the best mom I can be. Please help?

    Love Aquiyla


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