MTV tryouts 2012 – Seeking Guys with very cool jobs

By | August 20, 2011

Do you have the dream job that all your friends envy? Do most your friends wish their job was as cool as yours? If so, then MTV may be looking for you… and your job.

Do you, or someone you know, make a living while being surrounded by celebrities? Or mix business with pleasure, partying the night away with the hottest girls in the club? Are you your own boss, or maybe just have more excitement on the job than most people have in their free time?

Now is your chance to show the world why you have the Best Job Ever. MTV2 is looking for charismatic individuals who spend their days doing what most of us can only dream of, getting paid to have fun.

E-mail us at and tell us why you or someone you know has the Best Job Ever.

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