MTV tryouts for True Life ‘Addicted to Caffeine’

By | December 14, 2011

Are you totally addicted to caffeine?

Can you not live without your coffee, Monster energy drinks, or other high in caffeine products?

MTV True Life is now casting for an episode called ‘Addicted to Caffeine’ and wants to hear your story.

MTV is looking for males who are 16 to 28 who want to share their stories about their addiction to caffeine or caffeinated beverages.

Are you a driven, motivated or goal oriented male that uses caffeine to help give you an extra edge? Are you always looking for that extra push to power you through your workouts or help you party all night? Do you crave caffeinated beverages, such as Rockstar, Monster, 5 hour energy, Four Loko, Full Throttle or RedLine? Do you rely on these beverages to keep you awake and alert? Is caffeine an essential part of your daily diet?

Do you get headaches, migraines or physically ill if you haven’t had caffeine in a while? Do you drink caffeine in extreme amounts? Are you constantly hyped up due to this addiction? Is your health at risk because of your copious caffeine consumption?

If you are a male and appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and identify with any of the above or know someone that does, MTV wants to hear your story! Email us at Please be sure to include your name, location, telephone number, and a recent photo.

** note – this casting call is only for MALES.

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