New England Opera – Connecticut Theatre Auditions

By | August 21, 2011

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Stamford, CT

Troupers Light Opera will conduct auditions for the new musical “Hail and Reign” by Colin Crowley and Paul Lewis
on Saturday August 27 at Union Memorial Church, 58 Church St, in Stamford.
The show will be a semi-staged reading with piano and orchestra at the Wilton Playshop on October 1 and 2.
Rehearsals will commence right after auditions.

The story is a whimsical take on English history in 1141 when two Queens, both named Matilda, vied for the English throne. Please prepare 32 bars of a G&S or Broadway song for your audition.

To sign up for an audition time, go to our web site and click on “Click here for details” or go directly to

Casting Location: Stamford, CT
Contact email:

One thought on “New England Opera – Connecticut Theatre Auditions

  1. jayjay young

    well my name it afeya and my heart has really been set on R&B singing πŸ™‚ i am an african american female and i’ve had a real passion for singing since i was 4, my friends, parents say i have a real talent for singing even some of my teachers. my 2 friends were looking to help me with this by helping me rite a song and video taping it on youtube πŸ™‚ (also my cousin) i’ve been looking to been sighned for a couple of years now πŸ™‚

    i hope this comment gave u some thoughts you can email me at if u think i have what it takes πŸ™‚


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