Now Casting Moms in Waiting for Major Network

By | June 25, 2011

Now Casting Moms in Waiting for Major Network
Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York, NY
Is this your first time pregnancy or are you a mom who has been preggers for the 2nd or 3rd time? Do people say you are driving everyone around you up a wall?

Does your partner or husband tend to stay out long when you send him on runs for your cravings?

Do people say you are a Momzilla, but you think its them and not you?

If so, WSA Casting is seeking moms-to-be who are 7-8 months pregnant for a new reality show for a major network. Email with a recent picture, along with 1 paragraph or 1 minute video telling us about your story.

Casting Location: New York, NY
Contact email:

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