Orlando Auditions

By | January 31, 2011

Once Upon A Pill
Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: 422 E. Harding Street, Orlando
Seeking 3 men and 3 women to play 30s for musical comedy at the Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival May 18-31.

Audition Date, Place, Time: Saturday, Feb. 19; 422 E. Harding Street, Orlando; 10:00-1:30 with callbacks 2-3.

Show Description:
Inspired by the 50th Anniversary of The Pill

Metrosexual? Retrosexual? This musical comedy covers timeless tunes and timely troubles of ornamental men and self-made women popping The Pill and paving modern steps toward relationships and family.

Highlights include “I Want A Girl Just Like The Girl Who Put Up With My Dad”, “Fifteen Years of Matrimony”, “Every Night is Ladies Night for Me”, and “Give My Regards to Baby.”

Casting Location: 422 E. Harding Street, Orlando
Contact email: jillcraddock@live.com