Reality TV / Docu Series – “addicted to Bee Stings”

Nationwide casting call

Casting Call: Are you Addicted to Bee Stings?

Do you enjoy getting stung by bees or use bee stings to treat chronic illness such as Arthritus or severe pain?
Do you feel a rush or excitement from bee stings?
Do your friend and family have a hard time understanding why you run to bees instead of away from them?

If this sounds like you or someone you know, a major network television series is interested in hearing your story!
Our non-exploitive documentary series wants to explore the pros and cons of bee stings on the human body.
We are looking for people who are completely obsessed on stinging themselves with bees.

We’d like to explore the medical benefits and risks as well as the Physiological benefits and risks of this as well.

To submit your story or nominate a friend or family member, please send the following information to
– Name
– Age
– Contact Information
– Current Photo
– Current City
– Brief Summary on how and why you are hooked on stinging yourself with bees

Please note our crew is highly trained in dealing with delicate subject matter and all stories will be treated with
respect and dignity. All inquires and response are kept confidential.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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