Reality TV / Docu-Series – Twins

By | October 11, 2011

Are you obsessed with your twin

Los Angeles Casting Call

Have you taken being a TWIN to all new level?
Do you insist on dressing the same, wearing your hair the same and talking and acting the same as your twin?
Do you and your twin have your own ‘secret ways’ to speak/communicate with one another?
Is being a TWIN your only form of an identity?

If this sounds like you or someone you know, a documentary series is interested in hearing the story!
A major network is looking for twins to share their stories of what it’s like to share the same face, and life
with someone else. We want to know the pros, the cons, the benefits and the set backs of being a twin.

Please feel free to submit stories by replying to this e-mail with names, ages, contact information and current photos.

Thank you for wanting to share your story, we’re here to listen 🙂

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