Reality TV – Now casting ‘Wonder Women’

By | December 14, 2011

Reality show tryouts for 2012 – Are you a Wonder Woman?

Do you have the guts to take on anything, especially a rough and tough job that is usually done by men?

Are you the Dirty Jobs poster girl?

Who needs high heels when there are hardhats… right?

Wonder Women is looking to celebrate the women who are not afraid to get a little dirty and prove that hard, disgusting, laborious and even back breaking jobs are not just for men.

From gals who have the guts to work as morticians to real life female roughnecks who trade in their high heels for hard hats, we’re seeking a wide range of women who all share a passion for their dirty jobs and make no bones about it. Whether knee deep in toxic sludge, dangling over a construction site, or part of the pit crew, these sisters prove they’re just as fierce as the misters. It’s a dirty job, but some women love to do it.

Anything he can do you can do better. You prove on a daily basis that there’s no such thing as a “man’s job.” You work hard, every day, long hours, doing dangerous work, in an environment that rarely sees you as a man’s equal, and we want to hear your story!

Doron Ofir Casting is seeking the real life Rosie the Riviter, Mining Michelle, Long Shore Lucy, Oil Rig Rachel, Sewer Sarah or Wendy the Welder. Women who are at least 18 years old who look good swinging that sledgehammer, behind the wheel of that stunt bike, tightening those boxing gloves, and sweating it out. It’s time to show the world the true face of Wonder Women!

If the above describes you and your jobs and passions then you may be Wonder Woman and be great for the show. To apply for the reality show, you will have to fill out the application online. Please go here for more information about the show and to fill out your application today.

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