Seeking voice actors for Youtube

Kingdom Hearts: New Hearts Auditions
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Youtube
There in my youtube account is a series called Kingdom Hearts: New Hearts. But there is only one problem because I need voice ators. Here are the requirements.

1.Must have quality Microphone
2.MUST HAVE YOUTUBE ACCOUNT able to email lines
4.can audition up to 5 characters
5.must be determined to do more than one script


Main Characters:
Carthex – Jetray103
Demyx – Jetray103
Xion – ThalassaPromise
Larxene – Atiragrema3
Xigbar – SilverSentiment
Xemnas – Aussieroth7

Chapter 2
Zack – Jetray103
Dani –
Kendra –
Amber –
Bay –
Dakota –
Matt –
D.I.V. –

Chapter 3
Shaxel –
Marluxia – Silver Sentiment
Roxas –
Axel –

Chapter 4
Aggregor –
P’adnor –
Galapagus –
Bivalvan –
Andreas –
Ra’ad –

Chapter 5 –
Ali –
Daniell –
Kristi –
Hunter –
Martine –
Vanitas –

Chapter 6
Sora –
Riku –

Chapter 7
Freddy Krueger –
Nancy –
Quetin –
Luxord –

Chapter 8 & 9
Leon – Darthryan100
Cloud –
Sephiroth –
Tifa –
Yuffie –
Cid –
Merlin –
Lightning –
Zack Fair –
Tron –
Harley –
Jessie –
Audrey –
Leksi –
Shay –

Chapter 10
Kyle –
Stan –
Eric –
Kenny –
Randy –
Satan –
Wendy –
Butters –
Xredurm –

Chapter 11
Jason –
Clay –
Jenna –

Chapter 12
Peter –
Brian –
Chris –
Lois –
Meg –
Stewie –
Joe –
Quagmire –
Cleveland –

Chapter 13
Aelita –
Jeremy –
Odd –
Ulrich –
Yumi –
William –
X.A.N.A. –
Jim –
Sissi –
Vexen –
Controx –

Chapter 14
Duncan –
Beth –
Chris –
Chef –

Chapter 15
The King/Mickey –
Yen Sid –
Donald –
Goofy –

Chapter 16
Zexon –
Xehanort –
Eraqus –
Terra –
Ventus –
Aqua –
Namine’ –

Chapter 18
Zixard –
Xurik (Riku’s Nobody) –
Dagin –

Secret Chapter
Horizon –
Kairi –

Casting Location: Youtube
Contact email:

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