Singer Tryouts for Pop Group – Background vocalist

By | November 20, 2011

Auditions for Singers / Band Member
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Baltimore/Washington D.C./Northern Virginia
International Gold Album Award winning R&B/Pop Group seeks talented female vocalist entertainer to perform lead and background vocals. Will perform in major live venues in the U.S. and Eurpoe. Please send audtion videos to or contact George at 410.227.0900 to schedule an audtion. Feel free to call the number above for more info.

Casting Location: Baltimore/Washington D.C./Northern Virginia
Contact email:

One thought on “Singer Tryouts for Pop Group – Background vocalist

  1. Veronica Hudson

    Hey, My name is Veronica Hudson and i am a singer ponit blank period. I was born to be a Performer. Music is my passion its what i want to do with my life. I know what audition city you said you were going to be I am no were near them I live in Saint Louis and maybe thats were you can find one of your group members. I am a serious Performer and singer and if you want to audition me you can send me an email and maybe we can do it through the phone. MY twitter is @Trio_Valentine Thank You for your time.


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