Student Film Project Casting Leads – NYC

By | December 7, 2011

The Darkness
Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York
I am looking to cast the two lead roles for my Bard College senior project film.

The film is set in a post-apocalyptic time where the only people left on earth are few and far between.

The roles:

DEAN: Dean is now absolutely alone in the city he grew up in. There is no one left. He walks the streets during the daytime, exploring his new world. He invents rituals for himself and explores the spaces that he has never been able to access before. But the world is not completely empty. Dean knows he shouldn’t explore the dark places, but he does it anyway.

KATE: Kate watches Dean. She watches him without him knowing she exists. She is obsessed with him but never lets him discover her. She follows Dean in his explorations wherever he goes, but she will not follow him into the dark places. Until one day she does.

This is a film about isolation, distance and human connection.

All are welcome to try out for these parts, whether experienced or not. The shoot will be in February, mainly outside, so you will have to be willing to work in cold conditions. This job is unpaid.

Please check out the tumblr I have set up with the audition scripts. Choose one or two scripts that you would like to perform.

If you have any questions please email me at, and check out the facebook event at

There will be two casting sessions, one on Friday and one on Saturday. Both will be in Olin Hall at Bard College, starting at 2pm and running until 6pm. The room will be posted on the facebook event Wednesday afternoon.

Casting Location: New York
Contact email:

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