SyFy Channel Auditions – “Scary Week in a haunted house”

By | April 21, 2011

Would you spend the night in a haunted house just because someone dared you? If so, are you brave enough to spend SIX NIGHTS in one of the scariest places on earth? Well, then… the SYFY network DARES YOU!

The producers of Ghost Hunters are seeking Los-Angeles-based adventurers to live in one of the remotest, most frightening parts of the country for five days and six nights. It could be an abandoned mental institution or a forgotten campsite in an isolated forest. Wherever we send you and your fellow adventurers, your mission will be simple: to explore your new home and NOT run away in fear.

Producers are looking for individuals and groups to film this presentation in an undisclosed location in the United States for one week in the month of June. If you would like to apply, send an email to with your name, location, phone number, a recent photo and a brief explanation of why you’re ready to take on this challenge. If you have a partner (sibling, spouse, co-worker) or group (of 5 – 6 friends, relatives or fraternity/sorority members) who’d like to apply, include their photos and phone numbers as well.

Contact producers TODAY!

All participants will be paid for their involvment. You must be at least 21 years of age and an American citizen or resident to apply.

9 thoughts on “SyFy Channel Auditions – “Scary Week in a haunted house”

  1. Gary Durham

    My name is Gary and I love Stranded. I live in North Texas and I am a witch and a amateur ghost hunter who would loves to see what else is out there. I am sure I could find 4 or 5 non believers to go with me.

  2. Ashley

    I’ve always wanted to be on Stranded! I live in Philadelphia, PA and really hope you come here again. I would love to experience this

  3. Nicole Gray

    My name is Nicole and I love the Stranded show! Myself, my fiance and my best friend would love to experience something paranormal. We are all on middle ground, not necessarily a skeptic but haven’t experienced anything like this before. My fathers side of the family has always claimed to be “sensitive” and I am the only one who isn’t. We are from Colorado and would love to go anywhere to investigate the “unknown.” We look forward to hearing from you soon!

  4. Carla

    Myself, my sister, and niece are wanting to be on Stranded. We have lived with paranormal activity around us most of our lives. We all think it is cool and would love to investigate any place we are put.

  5. Monica Barcenas

    Hi my name is Monica and I watch Stranded every week. I’m not exactly sure if this will help but I am game. Since I was a little girl I have seen and heard things that no one else does. I truly believe of the other realm. Now as there are experiences that I have my husband is my true skeptic. I can tell him and he has experience some cases himself but tries to find another explanation other than what is shown or heard. I am open with what I feel, hear, and see with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. My brother-in-law believes and my sister-in-law rather not discuss it or think about it. She is a skeptic but somewhat questions. We would like to experience this to show that there is another side and also that Im not just crazy ?. I can honestly say I do not sleep the dark unless my husband is home at night. (He works nights) None of us have any acting experience. I hope you consider us. I look forward for your response e-mail

  6. Elizabeth Dobrich

    Please contact me. I love this show, and me and my family would be amazing for this! Me and My mother LOVE everything paranormal, watch every show on TV you can be thinking about. On the Other Hand you have my Sister, Her Husband and my father who don’t believe in any of this. We would be a great, fun, crazy and loud cast! With all different personality’s! 2 believe and 3 non believers, so help us make them into believers like us! Contact me !!!

  7. Monica Allen

    Hey there! I am super interested in being on your show stranded! I am based in Temecula California. I am a 24 year old college student and part time paranormal investigator…. I would take my mom and boyfriend with me. Please get back to me with info 🙂

  8. Desiree Sanderson

    hey me, my bff and her mom would like to be on stranded and are in the Clovis CA area. We would be willing to do it you can give me a message. I will give you my number to call upon receiveing an email so please contact us soon.

  9. William Powers

    My wife, myself and a couple of friends are interested in being part of your Stranded series. We are in Hagerstown Maryland where some of the bloodiest civil war battles happened. We think you could find many haunted places for us to be a part of your series. I am 49, my wife is 36 and our friends, they are a couple in their 30’s. We would love to be participants.


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