The Glee Project Now Casting 2012 – Auditions for Glee

By | September 27, 2011

Auditions for Glee

The hit Oxygen reality singing competition The Glee Project is now casting for the 2012 season!

The Oxygen Network kicked off the online search to cast the next season of ‘The Glee Project‘. Oxygen is holding national casting calls for the show online and also has announced they they will be doing live castings in New York, Nashville and Chicago.

The live audition dates and locations have not yet been announced.

To audition for the new season of ‘The Glee Project’ please visit the official Oxygen website here.

Oxygen is planning on announcing the live audition dates some time in November of 2011 and auditions will run through 2012.

The Glee Project is a reality TV competition series where 12 singers compete for a coveted guest starring role on the hit TV show Glee. In the first season over 40k people auditioned for the Glee Project.

Casting directors are looking for the following:

Very talented young men and women, triple threats who can act, dance and sing. These individuals should have larger than life personalities and experience in musical theater is a definite plus.

18 and over but that can still pass for a high school teen (looks like a teenager).

legal resident of the United States

Able to work and travel beginning January 2012

15 thoughts on “The Glee Project Now Casting 2012 – Auditions for Glee

  1. Mikelle Field

    Hi, my name is Mikelle. I am 25 years old and I love to sing. My family has always been a part of the music industry, but my sister was always the brave one. She was always outgoing and a real star, Rachel Berry’s character reminds me of her sometimes. I, on the other hand, was always the academic. I kept my singing voice a secret for most of my life, until my sister died. When I realized that music was dying in my family because of this, I started singing. I sang in my local high school talent show for four years, and my senior year I and a local band were the opening and closing acts. I sang sweet child of mine by Guns N’ Roses. I can’t even believe what an awesome feeling it was to do that; to be myself and just belt it out. I’ve been singing at local writer’s nights and things of that sort ever since, but never really had the courage to try anything like this before. I would do practically anything to audition for the show and let you all see what I can do. More than anything, I’d love a chance to do what I was so afraid to do for so long, to get up on a stage and let my voice ring out loud and clear, without fear or apprehension. As a side note, I do have some experience acting, and have been working with a friend of mine who is in theatre to improve upon it.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and for your consideration.
    -Mikelle Field

  2. Neffetiti Edwards

    Hi my name is Neffetiti Edwards and i have been wanting to sing,act or dance on glee. ever since i was six years old i have been going to concerts for my singing.

  3. April

    Hi my name is April Magdato I am 23 years old, but I look like a sophomore high school (no kidding) I am very athletic and I mean I can play any sports. Thing about me is that I can dance, act, and can sing (well I’d prefer to just act and dance) I am shy at first, but I can be fun very fun once I get to know people. i am very open minded and like to do new things. I would like to audition for glee because the show showed a lot of importance in life, how they seize every opportunity and how they were brave enough to handle tough situations in life. I want to be part of this because Glee would change my life in a way of how I’m dealing with tough situations I am in now..

  4. April

    Hi my name is April Magdato I am 23 years old, but I look like a sophomore high school (no kidding) I am very athletic and I mean I can play any sports. Thing about me is that I can dance, act, and can sing (well I’d prefer to just act and dance) I am shy at first, but I can be fun very fun once I get to know people. i am very open minded and like to do new things. I would like to audition for glee because the show showed a lot of importance in life, how they seize every opportunity and how they were brave enough to handle tough situations in life. I want to be part of this because Glee would change my life in a way of how I’m dealing with tough situations I am in now.

  5. Shaquille Broxtom

    Hello my name is Shaquille im 19 years old check out some of my vids on my youtube channel. I am an aspiring singer, model and writer. I love Glee and see it as being a great chance to showcase who I am and what Im all about:-))

  6. Madison Denell

    My name is Madison Denell and im 15 years old i know that im not the age of requirement but would love to at least be part of something upcoming i really feel that if this opportunity where presented to me that you’d see a gift that is really praying to be opened. i do have a plenty of stories that i have been through that would correspond to the show Glee this is my first time watching it and i became very intrested into it it made me feel as though i fit in not in reality but in the show so please take this into consideration thank you. sincerly MAdison Denell

  7. kelvin kent giron

    23 and im a big fan of glee, and ever since charice earned her spot on glee i was so thrilled and hope i could earn my spot as well im good in singing, i can work on my acting and would be ok with dancing i really want to be the next asian character on glee after the cast graduate it would be awesome if i get a part

  8. kelvin kent giron

    i was just wondering would glee consider applicants from foriegn countries like me from the philippines>

  9. Rosna

    Hello! I am a Geek! My name is Rosna Hasan and I am 14 years old. But many people tells me that I look like 15 or 16. I am about 1,60 or maybe taller. I am a dancer and a twirler and I can sing to! I live in Sweden but I am from Syria. I can train for six hours. But if I do something I like I can traqin for a longer time! Like to be in glee! My biggest dream is to be in glee. To be in glee would be amazing!! If you want to (which I hope)! so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease send me a email and a can send you a picture and video to I can speak more enlgish than I can write! like I said I am a glee lover! Glee makes my days. I really want this. A audition would be AMAZING! I was in a theater last year to! We did sing in it to! This this chance can change my life. Please send me a email. I love glee a bitt extra because you can always be happy show everyone you’r character! Even if I live in Sweden i don’t see any problem to come to USA. Of corse i would love to have a big part in glee but if that impossible so it is no problem at all to just be a student and be in the school or just be in the audience, that would be a awesome to just be in glee, because that’s my biggest dream

  10. Marcos Dias

    e is Marcos Dias, im 16 years old and I live in Brazil, in a region of lower class, I am a poor person, I live in a wooden house, but we’re a good person. Here in Brazil, usually if you are very poor, you run to the drug world, this usually happens with many people here. But my family is totally different, my family is poor but we know what is right and wrong. Where I live many people are involved with drugs, old friends, very young people, children and so on. I will tell about an event that happened at school. My friends and I were doing a presentation of songs in English, but after we finished singing they booed and threw crumpled papers in us, just because they like Brazilian music that contains many inappropriate words and obscene.
    A while ago, a former friend, told me – Caio “my nickname” you think you will get something singing? . I said yes because this is my dream. And he said – you will not get anything, you’re poor, thats why I use and sell drugs, because I am poor. Then after that I decided to end the friendship I had with him, because if he uses, maybe he would try to take me drugs and I dont want that in my life. It was really disappointing because it made me think that I would not get anything. And then I looked up and said “I’m not him, I will not use drugs and I will be able to win my dream” and went ahead.
    A friend had a guitar, where we were going to the front of his house to sing songs, we loved it, until he broke his guitar. But over time, my brother bought a guitar and now I’m learning to play, but dont have much time because my life is hard, I must help my mother at home, take my brothers to school and etc. .. I know a lot of English, but taught myself and I have to learn a lot. I have no money to pay for English lessons, but I will do a free one, because here in the schools in my area is hard to learn English with everyone making noise in the room “people who dont care.” I had to leave school to help my parents, because our life is hard. Everyone says that I sing well, I will create some videos so they can see my ability, I’m starting to do theater course and I’m learning to play and sing at the same time. Well I wanted this opportunity because it would change the lives of my family and I love to sing. two days ago I got a DVD “The Glee 3D” I was like Wow but not to have received a DVD “I really like Glee.” but because my brother ten years old bought me, he said Gleek have a gift for you and when I went to see was the DVD I was very happy, I’m a loser too and I really enjoyed the show.
    I’m not much experienced but i can’t learn fast and easy
    Thanks for your time, thank you.
    Marcos Dias.

  11. Lisa

    Is what I’m on the real site for film that I sing? But I do not come to the casting pourait because I live in France in the north I would really like, meet Heather Morris and Kevin McHale, I am 9 years old and there is no age to participate in the Glee Project .

  12. Jordan Glasgow

    Hello,I would Love to join the cast of glee because I’m a very different person and I just want to inspire people like me to just be yourself no matter what people say or what people think about you,heck I’m pretty much known as the drag queen of my town even though I’m not but I’m still happy that I’m just me and I don’t care what people say other wise:)

  13. Lindsey

    Hi, My name is Lindsey. I was wondering if you guys are still additioning for the GLEE project.


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