Voice Auditions Los Angeles

By | September 14, 2011

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Los Angeles, CA
On behalf of the Amber Melody Project, we are casting for:
A girl between the ages of 6 – 9 years old with a British accent
A woman between the ages of 35 – 45 with a British accent
A man between the ages of 35 – 45 with a British or American accent

Role Description:
These roles are solely audio, and will only require for your voices to be recorded for a 30 second skit. The cast involved will play a family. The mother and father will be fighting whilst the young girl hears it all and plays with her legos.

We are working on a limited budget that has been designed to give the music its best attention to quality and appeal. There is no compensation for this gig, however you will be credited for your role and are more than welcomed to use for your reel, after the fact. The song will be premiered late October and will host on the Internet, radio and other sources spreading nationwide.

For artist information check Amber Melody out at

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