Actors needed for Student Film called: Ditching

By | November 10, 2012

location: New York City

Category: Student Films

NEED: 4 actors
2 Teenage Boys
2 Adults

Project Synopsis:

Two teenage boys, Danny & Brandon ditch school in order to finish a Biology project only to discover that they aren’t the only ones playing hooky. And the two end up having to hide in a closet in an attempt to keep from getting caught not only by Danny’s father Ted but by Miss Bramwell, the boys’ Biology teacher.

Danny Ashford: Male-teen/Lead/age range 13-15. He is the son of Ted Ashford. He is the average technology driven young teen whose often puts things off to the last minute. Academically as well as characteristically he is the complete opposite of Brandon but the two are good friends and have been ever since Brandon and his family moved to the United States.

Brandon Clayworth: British Male-teen/Lead/age range 13-15. He is a friend and classmate of Danny Ashford. He is very sarcastic, witty and at times extremely literal. When he attempts to make jokes or be funny it always ends up being awkward and/or flat. He often disagrees with Danny’s schemes and although he is nearly always reluctant he always goes along with them.

Ted Ashford: Male adult/Supporting-Role/age range 33-39. He is a single parent and the father of Danny Ashford. Ted is a very laid back parent but can bulk down on Danny when he needs too. Ted is a widower and has been for most of Danny’s life and never dated much or any one person consistently for a long period of time until he meet Danny and Brandon’s teacher Miss Bramwell.

Theresa Bramwell: Female adult/ Supporting-Role/age range 33-39. She is the Biology Teacher to both Brandon and Danny. She is a strong career driven woman who is consumed in her work most of the time and over the years has slowly slipped out of the dating scene practically due to a bad split with her ex fiancé. But when she Meet Ted one night at a parent and teacher night things changed.

Job type: Non Paid

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Casting Location: New York City
casting expired

One thought on “Actors needed for Student Film called: Ditching

  1. Gia





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