Atlanta Student Film

By | August 21, 2012

Posted by the Director
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location: Atlanta/Decatur

Category: Film

Category : Auditions
Title: Bath Salt Cannibal
Auditions Only!: 1
Project Type: Grad Thesis Film
Is there payment for the actors?: Yes
Payment description: STUDENT, NON-UNION, PAYMENT = FOOD, GAS during production, and DVD COPY at completion.
Description: When a lonesome loser tries to make his own drugs he trips and mutates and ends up killing a pizza lady. A Dark comedy horror throwback to cheesy vhs rentals and Troma movies.


Male, white, 25-35, skinny, pale skin.
– Introverted, lonely, and unemployed horror movie and comic book nerd who tries to make his own drugs and mutates into a monster.

Male, white, 25-35. long hair, scruffy.
– Party dude, pot head, 80s metal head style a plus. Tries to get his friend to try pot.

Female, any race, 18-35, any body type,
-Play both the role of both ragged pizza lady and the leads hallucinated attractive love interest.

Audition times dates and locations: [September 1 and 2 (sat/sun) at GSU] [Specific times TBA]
Send photo/resume ASAP to kevinsmovie [at]

Directions: TBD
Contact Name: Kevin
City: Atlanta/Decatur
Country: United States

Job type: Other

Casting Location: Atlanta/Decatur
Contact email:

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