Atlanta Teen Singing Group

By | March 16, 2012

Teen Girl Singing Group
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Atlanta
Hi you guys My name is Jazmonay. Singing & Music is My Life, and i Want to Start my Own Girl Singing Group. The Group as of Now as No Name but as i Find Group Members we’ll fill in the wholes
Im Looking For Girls Who:
-Live in the Atlanta Area
-Are ages 15-17
-Good Vocals
-Determined and Is Willing to put in a lot of hard work.

Things that arent Required but will Give you better Chances:
-Being able to Dance/Remeber Choreography
-Play an Instrument

Send the Following Application to and i will contact you as soon as possible. Also Please attach a picture of yourself to the E-Mail



Date of Birth:



Phone Number where you can be reached & best time to call:

Musical Influences:

Describe Yourself in One Sentence:

Have you ever had professional vocal training?:

Do you play any musical instruments?:

Do you write music, lyrics, or poems?:

Are you able to choreograph dance routines?:

What is your vocal range?:

Do you have parental permission?:

Will you be able to attend group meetings/rehearsals regularly?:

Thank You

Casting Location: Atlanta
Contact email:

3 thoughts on “Atlanta Teen Singing Group

  1. Leigh-Asia Francis

    I really need this. I know I’m not the age you want me to be I’m only 14. Please I need this for my family(me,my brother & sister) Ever since our mother died we lost everything. I can sing, I have some skill in dancing (I’m taking dance,gymnastics,& extra vocal lessons so I won’t loose my voice) Please just email me what you think please don’t let me go down. This has always been my dream so I can make my brother & sister’s life better.


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