Atlanta Web Series

By | August 4, 2012

Posted by the Director
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location: Atlanta, GA

Category: Web series

We’re currently casting for a lighthearted scripted comedy. This is a non paying gig. After the show has aired, you’ll be provided HD footage from your scenes to include in your reel.

Following are the remaining roles to be filled, many of which will return next season. Sides will be provided prior to auditions. Ages are approximate and flexible.

Lead: Female, Caucasian, attractive, slender, mid 20s to mid 30s. Hosts the new age / hippie-ish peace, love and harmony segment of the show. Happy, optimistic and well meaning but a bit spacey and starry eyed.

Energy guy
Lead: Male, late 20s or 30s. Founder of a philosophy based on natural power, he hosts the energy segment of the show. What he lacks in over the top personality he more than makes up for in the unexpected demonstrations of his principles.

Supporting: Male, mid 20s. Part of the behind the scenes production crew who helps with the live show each week. His soft spoken nature and good heart are the only things that save his job from continual high profile screw ups.

Supporting: Female, Caucasian, attractive, slender, mid 20s to mid 30s. Part of the behind the scenes production crew. Her technical abilities are often overshadowed by her quiet personality and lack of self confidence.

Show Guest 1
Supporting: Male, late 20s. Appears in an interview on energy man’s segment of the show. One of the devotees, he doesn’t like holding down a job and has unrealistic views on life.

Show Guest 2
Supporting: Male, early 20s. Appears in an interview on a segment of the show. Ambitious and enthusiastic, if somewhat naïve.

Show Guest 3
Supporting: Female, late 20s / early 30s. Appears in an interview on Melissa’s segment of the show. Equally spacey but an enthusiastic fan.

Viewer 2
Supporting: Female, Caucasian, attractive, slender, mid 20s to mid 30s. Watches the show from work. Small but recurring role in series.

Viewer 3
Supporting: Female, Caucasian, attractive, slender, mid 20s to mid 30s. Watches the show with her husband. Small but recurring role in series.

Please respond with pictures and the role(s) you’re interested in.

Thanks very much for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Atlanta, GA
Contact email:

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