Auditions for TV Pilot – New York

By | June 30, 2012

Posted by the Director
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location: New York

Category: TV Pilots

A Change Must Come Episode 2

Audition Dates: 7/06/2012 & 7/09/2012
Call Backs: 7/11/2012


A Change Must Come is a story about Teens who struggle with the changes and challenges of life. These stories are about how they learn to accept and deal with change as a part of growing up. The three main characters are Nathanial, Selina and Wade. Each episode focuses on the struggles of 3 teens and follows their stories throughout the series.

This episode continues to address the subject of bullying. Here we learn why Nathanial became a bully and watch him change from a bad guy to a good guy. We also will see how Wade can’t seem to shake the pressures of being constantly confronted by trouble makers, and how Selina handles rumors about her past.

This is a low budget Pilot Series. There will be no pay involved. Some roles will require multiple appearances.

1) Male / 15-17 Years / African American Wade Paterson (17) New kid from Brooklyn. Good boy. Hansom. Quiet. Athletic. Basketball star. Never starts trouble, but trouble finds him and he always finishes what people start. Parents moved to Mt. Vernon for a fresh start.

2) Female / 41-50 Years / African American Shelia Paterson (40-45) Wade’s Mother. Attractive, well spoken, slim preferred. A loving, hard working parent who wants the best for her only son Wade. She relocates to Mt. Vernon so that her son can have a new start, and to get him out of that crazy neighborhood where they lived before her son winds up dead. She knows her son has the potential to be great one day, but she’s having a difficult time teaching him to just walk away from trouble. She sees that Wade is just like his father; he’s very quiet and stays to himself, but has a bad temper. He won’t start trouble, he even tries

3) Female / 15-17 Years / African American Carol Sanders (17) (Mixed Race)
Slim & Attractive. A diva. Carol is Selina’s friend. Though she is her friend, when she gets around her homies, they talk about Selina. Carol goes along with them. Her only mission was to be the most popular girl in school and she did just about anything to gain that reputation, until one day she found out how much her and Selina have in common.

4) Male / 18-24 Years / Any Ethnicity Remy Stevenson (18-20)
Tough looking. One of the most feared bullies at Mandela H.S. He was knocked out by Wade on the first day of school after trying to shake him down, but it ain’t over by a long shot.

5) Male / Any Years / Any Ethnicity Carlton Pearson (Coach) (45-50) Mr. Pearson is a coach who had just transferred to Mandela to take a new position as assistant principle. He was originally Wade’s basketball coach from Brownsville Brooklyn at the school Wade attended and was a great influence in Wade’s life.

6) Female / 41-50 Years / Any Ethnicity Susan Brown (Nate’s Mother) (40-45)
Very Attractive women. Good figure. Susan Brown is a very sweet and loving person. She’s very friendly and willing to help anybody she can. she’s a praying woman. She loves her son and her husband. In this episode she is desperate to save her family from total destruction.

7) Male / Any Years / Any Ethnicity Tony Evans (16-17) (Mixed)
Very Hansom, Attractive, well built, charismatic and romantic. Selina’s X Boyfriend. The son of Tony Brown, and Nathaniel’s first cousin (this revelation is unknown to Nate). His father is unaware that he has a son and Tony is unaware that Tony Brown is his father.

8) Male / Any Years / Hispanic Delaney (16-17)
Bully. Tough guy. Nate’s right-hand man, next in line, a troubled teen who is not satisfied till he see’s someone else in pain.
9) Male / Any Years / Any Ethnicity Timmy (16-17)
Bully. Tough guy.

10) Male / Any Years / Any Ethnicity Carl (16-17) Sammy (16-17) Rodney (16-17) Bullies. Tough guys.

11) Male / Any Years / Any Ethnicity Wade’s New Friends:
Clarence (16-17) George (16-17) Steven (16-17) Mark (16-17)

12) Either Gender / Any Years / Any Ethnicity Extras for School Scene

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: New York
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2 thoughts on “Auditions for TV Pilot – New York

  1. Charles

    Are there more pilots for 2013 being filmed in NYC?

  2. Francisco Fortuna

    Hi, very interested on applying for auditions. I’m 22 years old and I kick-box. I think I fit well for this scenario.


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