Baton Rouge Auditions

By | May 28, 2012

Posted by the Producer/Director
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location: Baton Rouge, LA and General Southeast

Category: Film

Production title: Billy Bags
Union / Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Independent
Project length: Short Film (10 minutes)
Posted on: Friday, May 25
Production location: Baton Rouge, LA
Production company: Noisy Philistine Productions
Director: Jerod Ra’Del Hollyfield
Producer: Jaye Sarah Davidson
Casting director: Nicole Chellino
Shooting location: Baton Rouge, LA
Compensation: No
Auditions: Please E-mail for further information.
Shooting Starts: July 13, 2012
Shooting Ends: July 15, 2012
“Billy Bags” is a short film about how a bagger at a grocery store tries to win over his dream girl. The film is a realistic, respectful, and no-holds barred look at special needs individuals in society.
1. Billy (Male, 25-29) – A young man with cerebral palsy, Billy is aware of his special needs, but longs for people to see past it. Actors with cerebral palsy preferred.

2. Cassie (Female, 18-22) – A sweet waitress who tries to help those in need, but isn’t prepared to face the true consequences of what that entails.

3. Victoria (Female, 20-26) – A veteran grocery store cashier whose interactions with Billy have made her silent and hardened.

4. Del (Female, 20-26) – A grocery story bagger who suffers from Williams Syndrome. She is sweet, honest, and airs her feelings openly. Actors with Williams Syndrome preferred.

5. The Manager (Male, 40s-50s) – The grocery store boss faced with the difficult task of protecting Billy and keeping the peace.

6. Steamer (Male, 40s-50s) – A restaurant owner with an easy-going demeanor and shallow, but sincere friendliness.

7. Business Luncher (Male, 30s-40s) – A restaurant customer with a short fuse who just wants his sandwich.

Job type: Non Paid

Baton Rouge Theater

Casting Location: Baton Rouge, LA and General Southeast
Contact email:

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