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Bay Area Pilot – Web Series

By | September 4, 2012

Audition posted by the Writer
This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: Bay Area CA.

Category: Web series

Casting for a pilot webisode.

STORY: A Self involved Ego Maniac meets an hardworking traditional Asian Girl….. and ends up in the hospital.

Main Characters presented in first episode.

Jason Reynolds – Mid 20’s, Self involved ego Maniac, Half Asian/Half White.
Ethan- Mid 20’s White, Jason’s Right hand man.
Tiffany Kim – 19, Asian, Educational Mindset,Productive
Don – 20 but looks 12. Asian Rough attitude, with a business demeanor.
Tran Tran – 20-23,Asian Immigrant, Hard accent,
Cynthia – 20-23, Mellow, Mono toned way of talking
Kevin – Tiffany’s little Brother, High School Student, A bit Nerdy but Cool
Christine – The girl that Kevin likes, Cute , Strong personality

As well as bit parts for pilot webisode may get bigger in future webisodes. Looking for an array of different Asian looks and backgrounds.

GOAL: The plan is to send a message and change peoples perception of the stereotypical Asian person through comedic and dramatic means. Though there will be jokes that INCLUDE stereotypes, we hope to display the differences in all Asian races through our family lifestyles and heritage.

Please submit your resume and Head Shots to be considered. Thank You and Good Luck.

Job type:

Casting Location: Bay Area CA.
Contact email: Hpinpin32@gmail.com

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