Casting actors for film – Seattle

By | December 20, 2012

Looking for two young male actors and three adult actors to be in dark comedy student short film “Under the Bed” to be shot in January
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location: Seattle, WA

Category: Student Films

This is a dark comedy student film for a high school film class. I have professional experience in filmmaking and have made a number of other short films, my most recent of which has been accepted into various film festivals and won both a jury and audience award.

“Under the Bed” follows the story of Walter, an adolescent boy who discovers a monster under his bed. When he accidentally kills it by poisoning it with his mother’s cooking, he is forced to find a way to bury the body before his obsessive taxidermist father finds out and stuffs it. Walter is assisted by his carpool Zach, a next-door neighbor with a very controlling mother.

I feel as though this is an important story to tell, because it deals
with themes such as loneliness, the value of friendship, and the awkwardness and humor of adolescence, which everyone can relate to.

Character Breakdown
WALTER: 13-15 years old, Caucasian. A depressed 14 year old boy unable to connect with his parents. Actor must be able to portray a
large emotional range, as this is the lead in the film.

ZACH: 13-15 years old. A good humored boy with an overprotective mother. Zach helps Walter sneak the monster out of his house to bury it.

BETH (WALTER’s MOTHER): Must be in mid-30s to 40s, Caucasian. She is an oblivious woman whose favorite possession is her rat Chihuahua. The dog initiates many arguments between her and her taxidermist husband.

JOHN (WALTER’S FATHER): Must be in mid-30s to 40s, Caucasian. He is an aloof, yet passionate, taxidermist who constantly dreams of stuffing his wife’s irritating rat Chihuahua. John’s dream is for Walter to carry on his livelihood when he grows up.

MR. STEVENS: Zach and Walter’s awkward English teacher who strikes up a conversation with them on the street as they are trying to get the monster to the forest to bury it.

Actors will not be paid for their work but will receive a copy of the finished film.

If you are interested, please email a headshot and resume to and an
audition appointment will be arranged. The audition will require you to read a side from the script.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Seattle, WA
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