Casting Call – Alabama

By | April 16, 2012

Posted by the Casting Director
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Huntsville, AL
Special People- Just about Normal

-Casting Call-
“Special People-Just About Normal”- the movie

Georgia based Production Company looks to shoot Feature Film in Local (Huntsville, Alabama area) and are seeking:
• Actors and aspiring actors of all ages (very diverse cast)
• Film Crew- looking for STUDENTS and experienced. Production Company is shooting the film on HD for theatrical release.

Launch N2 Production/ Armcor Productions, LLC.
Contact: Alphra William or 770-833-7754 or 256-226-5104
Note: sides are provided from the script. Welcome 2 bring your monologue.

Location of casting call: 904 Bob Wallace Parkway Suite #206, Huntsville, AL 35801
Date: April 21st (Sat.) & 22nd (Sun.) and the following weekend April 28th (Sat.) & 29th (Sun.)
Time: 10am until 6pm (all days)

Inside the walls of a southern mental institution, we view the humor in the world of five individuals in particular, living their lives as they see it. Kenny; a hyper, thin, nose picking young man who wears very thick bifocals, making his eyes appear much larger then they are. When interacting with his four friends, he feels that he has super-powers that allow him to bend or break any object. Oh, and he thinks he’s a great singer. ‘He’s not!’ Then there’s Andy; an overweight, stuttering man who has trouble controlling his bowels and is always racing to the nearest restroom, hardly ever making it. Andy thinks that he too has special powers – and would you believe, it’s to disappear. Yeah! Well keep in mind he weighs over 250 lbs. There’s a secret he has of being a ballerina dancer. Wait until you see the outfit he has to squeeze his body into as he, under the cover of night, sneaks away to perform in privacy. This brings us to Kimie; talk about imaginations! Though well put together, she is a very homely young lady who sees herself a famous television cooking star- none other than Rachel Ray. Imagine this young lady on Rachel Ray’s cooking set, clumsily traveling from the refrigerator to the counter stacking food mountain high in her arms, trying to cook a meal in 30 minutes, ‘or much less’. At other times in the activity room of the institution and usually with her friends, Kimie feels that she has the power to control water. Oh, my God! And there’s Danny; the biggest kleptomaniac you’ve ever seen to be such a small person, standing nearly 4 feet. It’s hilarious to see him in action, cleverly taking things from others without them even knowing. Kleptos will steal anything, including medicines given to others. Sadly this almost costs the life of one of his friends, Willie; though slow with many things, has extraordinary book knowledge and is often sarcastically correcting others.
This is only the beginning of what we see of these five. We get the chance to see flashbacks into their childhood, even visit their nightmares and other aspects of their lives in the institution.
Outside the institution, in the world (supposedly sane) we encounter the most chaotic, disorganized, wanna-be robbers, attempting one unsuccessful robbery after the other and just can’t get it right. First it’s a grocery store, next it’s a Beauty Salon, a Laundromat, and a Pawn Shop and finally the misfits try a clumsy attempt to rob a Donut Shop. You begin to wonder who’s really the mentally challenged?
The five work the nerves of the Doctor, who feels he’s being driven crazy and of Nickie, the head nurse of the institution who routinely stops by the local donut shop on her way to work. One morning, making her usual stop at the donut shop Nickie unknowingly walks into the robbery in progress and is held hostage. The five notices that she’s late and while watching morning television learn of the holdup at the donut shop. The five rush to the rescue (by cab).
With all the efforts and pleads of the Police Department, it takes five special people in their heroic spirit to rescue Nickie and the other helpless hostages. Don’t miss this one! Life in this institute of special people is so unpredictable and full of the most hilarious moments in comedy history.

Cast of Characters:

Psychotic Patients (all races 25-60) 15-20 characters must know how to act psychotic (not retarded)
Doctor O. (White- Male 35-50) Wayne Knight type) The psychiatrist who routinely visits the institution to care for the patients who are driving him crazy.
Nickie (Black-Female 25-35) a Natalie Desselle type, reference – “Baps”.) the new head Nurse of the institution.
Robin (White- Female 20-30) Assistant to the head Nurse. Announcer at the talent show.
Andy (Black- Male 25-40) heavy weight approx. 300 plus lbs.- with a Anthony Anderson type personality) One of the leading characters who stutters and carries a stuffed bear around.
Kimie (White- Female 25-40) with a Rachael Ray look) One of the leading characters.
Kenny (Black- Male 25-40) very skinny with big eyes) One of the leading characters.
Danny (White- Male 25-45) very short, sneaky, kleptomaniac type) One of the leading characters.
Andy (3 yr old)
Kimie (3 yr old)
Danny (3 yr old)
Kenny (8 yr old)
Kimie (7 yr old) character should look like Rachael Ray would at this age.
Little Boy (White-Male 6-8) makes fun of Kimie
Kenny’s Dad (Black-Male 45-60)
Danny’s Dad (White-Male 45-65)
Danny’s Mom (White-Female 40-60)
Danny’s Aunt (White-Female 40-60)
Kimie’s Mom (White-Female 20-30)
Kimie’s Brother’s (2 White-Males 5-8)
Guest # 1 (White-Male 25-35)
Guest # 2 (White-Female 25-35)
Danny 8th Grade (White- Male 12-13) short, homely looking, geek type.
Tony- Robber #1 (Black- Male 25-40) short, chaotic, disorganized, wanna-be robber) Leading Robber.
William- Robber #2 (White- male 25-40) tall and heavy chested- w/male boobs) wants to be like the leading robber. Tries to act African American, w/his hair braided back.
B-Man (Hispanic- Male 30-45) short and overweight w/ strong Hispanic accent.
Male Man (White- Male 30-40) very DJ Quall type) liked by one of the patients he tries to dodge while delivering the mail.
Peaches (Black- Male 30-45: very flamboyant) Owner/head beautician of salon).
Fellow Beauticians (5people approx. 20-35)
Salon Receptionist (Black Female 20-30) gum popping, sassy attitude.
Melody (Black- Female 25-35: tall and very heavy-chested) has a crush on the male man.
Mr. Garner (Black- Male 45-50) Manager of the Institution.
Ralph (white- Male 35-45) the Janitor
Police Captain (Hispanic Male 45-60) authority figure
Police Officer #1 (White Male 30-45)
Cab Driver (Hispanic-Male 25-40)
Grocery store Manager (White- Male 45-60)
Talent Show Judge #1 (any race 25-50)
Talent Show Judge #2 (any race 25-50)
Talent Show Judge #3 (any race 25-50)
Pitcher (Black- Male 25-40) for the outdoors baseball game.
Umpire (White- Male 25-40) for baseball game.
Baseball Captain (White- Male 35-45)
Elderly Lady (White- Female 60-80) An individual who can dance.
Radio Man (Black- Male 25-40) Always with his radio in hand.
Firemen (Approx 6 men 25-40)
Cashier # 1 (Black- Male 20-30) Flamboyant
Cashier # 2 (White- Female 18-30)
Krispy Kreme Extra’s (6-8 characters of all races 18-25)
Mr. Haley (White- Male 30-45) 8th Grade Chemistry Teacher
Television Reporter (Black-Female 25-35) for news team
Television Camera Man (White-Male 25-35) for news team
Television Boom Man (White-Male 25-35) for news team
Outburst Patient (Black-Male 20-40) sits in front of television and repeats phrases on commercials
Laundrymat Mother (Black-Female 20-35) ghetto, sassy, very straight-forward
Laundrymat Friend (Black-Female 20-35) ghetto, sassy, very straight-forward
Laundrymat Kid # 1 (Black-Male 5-7) with lots of attitude
Kiki Laundrymat Kid # 2 (Black-Female 5-7) extremely outspoken
Security Guard (Black-Male 35-45)

Casting Location: Huntsville, AL
Contact email:

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