Casting Call: Are you in love with an inanimate object?

By | March 26, 2012

Sometimes it can be hard to make long-lasting emotional connections and relationships with humans. Individuals can find themselves drawn to objects and items rather than people and feel more comfortable expressing affection, sharing their feelings than they do with humans.

Do you or someone you know feel more comfortable expressing affection toward objects/dolls?

Do you or someone you know openly admit to being in love with an object/doll and do not have a relationship with a human?

A major network documentary series would like to tactfully explore the motivation and dedication it takes to love inanimate objects and how it can impact a person’s life.

All participants will be treated with respect and their stories will be told with care.

If you would like to share your story with us or nominate a story, please reply to the this casting call with your name, age, contact information, current photo and explanation of how being in love with an inanimate object is impacting your life.

You can also contact us directly at 312-467-8145 or for consideration or to ask any questions.

Thank you for wanting to share your story with us! We are here to listen!

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