Casting Call for Student Film DC

By | September 15, 2012

location: Washington DC

Category: Student Films

for student thesis film – Viva Revolución

Abby, an 11 year old orphan, and a scavenger has her usual food hunt become chaotic as she watches a crumbling family come to grips with a death in the family. Would she help herself at the cost of hurting them more?

Abby: a destitute, and nervous, 11 year old girl, fighting hard to stay alive.
Prof. Windham: a 30-40 something, recently widowed, despondent man, trying hard to find a will to live.
Kelli: a feisty, and attention seeking, nine year old girl.
Ben: a dispirited and wary ten year old boy, who has been wishing to run away from home. And all his plans seem possible when he finds Abby sneaking about his house.
Wendy/Tim: Abby’s eight year old, younger charge. Could be a boy or a girl.

The film is being directed and shot by American University’s Masters in Film candidates. This is an unpaid gig. But, credits, a copy of the final film and plenty of food will be provided on sets! For those curious to know more, you can check out the director’s previous and first attempt at a short film with kids at:

Casting Dates : Sep 15,16,22,23
Location: MPC 100, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington DC 200016
Dates of shoot : Oct 20,21,27,28 and Nov 3,4
Contact producer Shilpi Singh (716) 861 9964, to set up a time for audition and receive sides.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Washington DC
Contact email:

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