Casting Call: Overweight New Yorkers Who Want to Live Their Dream

By | May 1, 2012

Casting notice posted on, casting location: NEW YORK CITY
Has your weight held you back from achieving your dream? Do you want to fight obesity and take back your life? We are seeking real New Yorkers who suffer from obesity and have a strong desire to regain a healthy lifestyle. And, to reward you, we want to help make your life long dream a reality.

A New York City casting team is searching the five boroughs for men and women at least one hundred pounds over weight, to actively participate in a weight loss competition spanning four months. This will occur locally and does not require relocation. We are accepting applications now until May 7, 2012. Individuals of interest will be contacted directly to attend a formal audition in NYC.

Please submit the following (be as detailed as possible) via email to

• Name
• Age
• Height
• Weight
• Ethnicity
• Male or Female
• NYC borough you live in
• Phone (cell preferred)
• Email address
• Short bio on how you became obese and why you want to lose weight (please include if this is due to medical reasons, poor eating habits growing up or later in life, traumatic experience that lead to eating disorder, etc.).
• How has obesity kept you from achieving your dream? Please list exactly one dream you have, and clarify how your weight has disabled you from achieving this dream.
• What have you done to lose weight and why were you not successful in reaching your previous weight loss goal(s)?
• Please share an experience that brought your weight issue to the forefront, demonstrating the need for you to reach a healthier weight (can be an embarrassing moment, weight issue has affected your loved ones, children, etc.).
• Please attach at least one full body photo of yourself at your current weight.

Casting Location: NEW YORK CITY
Contact email:

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