Casting Call – Synarchy TV Show / Baton Rouge LA

By | May 7, 2012

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location: Baton Rouge, LA

Category: TV Pilots

Digital Media Production House is now casting for The Synarchy TV show series Trailer. The Synarchy TV show is a science fiction production, directed by Aaron Williams and written by Crystal “DCS” Storm.

WHEN: Saturday May 12th 2pm – 5pm
WHERE: Motion Picture Studios, 606 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge LA
HOW: Show up. No phone calls or emails.

What We’re Looking For:

Vasco Terenzio – Early 30s. Was groomed to be the heir to a massive business and underworld empire. Everything he thinks he knows about the world and his family’s goals are being challenged. Carries power better than he should for one so young. Has a very thoughtful, subdued manner. Difficult to tell what he’s thinking by looking at him.
Simone Terenzio – Early 30s. Was groomed to be the heir to a massive business and underworld empire. Everything she thinks she knows about the world and the family’s goals are being challenged. Likes to take things step by step, isn’t sure she can rise to a challenge until she’s thrust into it, then she acts on instinct and usually better than she expected.
Lucien Terenzio – Early 30s. Was groomed to be the heir to a massive business and underworld empire. Everything he thinks he knows about the world and the family’s goals are being challenged. Playboy demeanor that he’s fighting. Quick to laugh and smile, much lighter character than either of his siblings which he uses to hide insecurity. There is depth to be explored and he’s in the process of coming into his own.

There is an unshakeable bond between the triplets, extremely honest, open and affectionate with each other.

Olivia Terenzio – mid-forties, athletic build, ambitious, arrogant, manipulative, extremely short tempered.
Amadeo Terenzio – mid-forties, Lt. General. Co-conspirator with Olivia. Ambitious, arrogant, manipulative but shows more patience and reserve than Olivia. Her voice of reason.
Frank – Olivia’s bodyguard. Big, mean looking man that is 100% loyal to Olivia and will do whatever she tells him.

Marcello Terenzio – 100 years old. Dying. The epitome of the wise old Godfather. Extreme control over facial expressions, will do whatever it takes to ensure his grandchildren succeed on their mission.
Demetrius Terenzio – late 70s. Extremely emotional, does not hide his feelings well at all. Adores his father and his children, but is in no way a leader. Has one brief moment of heroism.

General Christopher Zane Terenzio – Late 60s. Head of the Terenzio private army, former fighter pilot. No nonsense, extremely loyal to the family, Marcello and the triplets goals. Will not tolerate disrespect. His call sign was Fangs Out, because even in his old age he’s got no problem getting into a fight when needed, that he usually wins.

Kayla Terenzio – Early 50s. Very complex character. Holds a deep secret that she’s a mind controlled double agent. Appears to be nothing more than a loyal servant of the family and their ends.

NOTE: All members of the Terenzio family should have a somewhat Italian look about them.

Cleona DeCalavante – One big fat mystery. An extremely exotic looking, sensual black woman who carries absolute power with the kind of ease other women carry a purse. You don’t see what she doesn’t want you to see. Motives/endgame completely unclear. Practices voodoo and is a lot older than she appears. Hides her natural Jamaican accent unless it suits her to speak with it.

Tom Wilkinson – Middle aged, head of Security for Terenzio retreat. Has been secretly brought into Marcello’s inner circle and knows more about the Terenzio family’s end game than he lets on.

Crime Boss – Typical, arrogant underworld crime boss that meets an untimely end for running his mouth off when he shouldn’t.

Victor Russo – Simone’s husband. Model good looks, suave, can usually talk himself out of most situations.

Derek Vaughn – Head scientist at SVT Think Tank. Mid 30s. Highly logical, analytical, but is mildly open to the possibilities of fringe science, depending on the evidence. Has a crush on Shirley.
Shirley McDermott – Senior scientist at SVT Think Tank. Mid 30s. Highly logical, analytical, but is open to the possibilities of fringe science. Can operate on faith more than the other two. Has a crush on Derek.
Abe Donahue – Ex navy. Senior Scientist at SVT Think Tank. Mid 30s. Dry sense of humor, needs to see it to believe it, and even then if its fringe science he has a hard time accepting. Likes picking on Shirley for having a crush on Derek.

Job type:

Casting Location: Baton Rouge, LA
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