Casting for New TV Pilot with Major Network

By | October 18, 2012


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location: Los Angeles

Category: Docu-series

Have you made a huge change that took your life in a completely different direction? Have you made the move to follow your dreams no matter the cost?

Do you know someone who changed course to do what they were meant to do?

Windsong Productions wants to talk to YOU!

Windsong Productions is producing a new TV pilot featuring people who have seen their life change direction, moving closer towards their dreams. It’s called “180” and it celebrates people who have made a huge change to find their personal success.
In order to make this show all it can be, we need YOU!

If you or someone you know fits the description above, contact to be considered. Your story could inspire someone else to follow their dreams and turn their life around 180 degrees.

About Windsong Productions
Windsong Productions is a collective of talented storytellers and creative resources who come to work every day with a single purpose – tell good stories and tell them well.

The information contained in this posting may contain privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. All rights to the information contained in this email are retained by Windsong Productions until otherwise specified. © Windsong Productions.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Los Angeles
Contact email:

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